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Ridge Demon


One of the most formidable predators of The Shimmering Seas is a water wyvern that the local Selkes population call the Ridge Demon or Ridge for short.

The Ridge is only one among many types of water wyverns roaming the vast Alvern ocean. Water wyverns can be diverse in shape and form, ranging from the miniature to the giant. The Ridge is one of the largest wyverns and also one of the most aggressive.

The Ridge is easily the size of a whale. It is one of the only predators of that species. A Ridge will attack a lone whale travelling away from its pod if no easier prey is available.

A carapace of thick, leathery scales protects the Ridge. The scales cover the whole body and transform into vicious-looking spines on top of its head. The only place a ridge is vulnerable is on its belly, where the scales are, maybe, less thick and often smoothed out by friction from the ocean floor.

Instead of legs, the Ridge sports turtle-like palms or fins, making the wyvern very fast and skilful when swimming. A Ridge can outswim any other creatures under the ocean, except maybe a trained Bluefin.

A long, scaly, tapering tale also helps the Ridge to catch up with its prey. It is also a formidable weapon against its enemies, with deadly spikes in an attack.

The Ridge is a fearsome predator but, happily, not well known for its intelligence. The species relies mainly on its natural armour and strength for survival and has not developed its brains for anything else, it seems. 

Ecosystem and Reproduction


As its name suggests, the Ridge's natural habitat is in the caves and crevices of the oceanic high submerged mountains of the northern Shimmering Seas. Hence, its name is because it prefers to haunt the mountain ridges to prey on the rich fauna of the lighter waters. 

As such, the Ridge is directly competing with the Selkes for the same territories. The Selkes are respectful of Wyverns but will not tolerate the water dragons near their settlements. All Ridge Demons have been chased or hunted out from the Brechin Ridge

Killing a Ridge Demon is still a feat among the Selkes and is considered a lifetime achievement among the warrior tribes.

The Ridge will generally live in one cavern or nest all of its life. It lives a solitary life, only looking for a mate once a year to reproduce. At term, the female Ridge creates a nest in a sheltered, clear sand bank and lays up to 30 eggs. She then leaves her brood to fend for themselves. 

As soon as they hatch, the wyrmlings swim away from the nest, but not too far away,  and start feeding on the local fry. As soon as the local 'supply' is exhausted, the small wyverns will look further afield to satisfy their hunger.

A Ridge Demon takes a few years to realise its full size and maturity, usually ten years. Aged five or six, it will start looking for its permanent home on the craggy face of the mountains. A Ridge can live a long time: up to 100 years. 


Myths and Legends

Many myths and legends of the Selkes feature a Ridge Demon. They are an inherent part of the Selke's stories, very much as wolves and dragons are for humans and other species walking on lands. More to come on that subject ...
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