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The Colours and Symbols of the Alven Clans - Overview


    For the last century or so, Alven's clan boundaries have been relatively fixed. There are now 29 clans who pledge allegiance to the Thane in Highfort.

At their origins, clan names included a totemic animal figure. Historians have put forward the theory that this practice was likely to have been inherited from the Ancestors, the people who inhabited the continent when men arrived on this plane. For example, the Clan Treecrane is name after the Crane, one of the Alvenites' sacred animals, and would put itself under its protection.   Clan colours are not only a reflection of the clan animal or animus, but will also have changed through the myths and legends of its people. Here is a quick guide to the main colours of each of the Alven clans.
There will be further articles on how they came to be about.


Clans of the Eastern Isles


Clan Eelguard at Willhelm Keep

Animus: the Eel
Main Colours: steel grey with threads of bright blue  

Clan Redgill at  Reidholm Keep

Animus: the Salmon
Main Colours: silver - grey with pinkish-red or bright red threads  

Clan Denotter at Greenholm Keep

Animus: the Otter
Main Colours: earth browns with green threads  

Clan Sealson at Stanholm Keep

Animus: the Seal
Main Colours: mid blues with silver threads  

Clan Treecrane at Inchholm

Animus: the Crane
Main Colours: pale grey or ghostly white with red threads  

Clans of Farden


Clan Hoersman at Benholm Keep

Animus: the Horse
Main Colours: inky black with green threads  

Clan Ramshead at Craigholm Keep

Animus: the Ram
Main colours: earth browns with cream or white threads  

Clan Deerwolf at Denholm Keep

Animus: the Mountain Cat
Main colours: fawn colours with black and cream threads  

Clan Ravenscraig  at Kinholm Keep

Animus: the Raven
Main colours: inky-black with silver and red threads  

Clans of Lowside

Clan Wylfedd at Wylfholm Keep

Animus: the Wolf
Main colours: dark grey with red and white threads  

Clan Beeson at Pithelm Keep

Animus: the Bee
Main colours: ochre with black threads  

Clan Glassader at  Holiholm Keep

Animus: the Adder
Main colours: dark green with silver threads  

Clan Hawkspaar at Aikholm  Keep

Animus: the Hawk
Main colours: chestnut brown with silver and dark blue threads  

Clan Ravensen at Bleckhelm Keep

Animus: the Raven
Main Colours: dark purple-blue with silver or bright blue threads  

Clans of Farside


Clan Harestane at Killholm

Animus: the Hare
Main Colours: mid-green with brown and/or ochre threads  

Clan Coorson at Fearnhelm

Animus: the Bull
Main Colours: sky blue with silver or white threads  

Clan Boarsden at Swinhelm

Animus: the Boar
Main Colours: dark grey with red and ochre threads  

Clan Eaglesham at Thornhelm

Animus: the Eagle
Main Colours: royal blue with chestnut and cream or silver threads  

Clans of Sutherland


The Thaneship at Highfort

Animus: the Sun and the Wren
Main Colours: sky blue and gold with pure white thread  

Clan Deeryant  at Glashelm

Animus: the Deer
Main Colours: russet colours with dark green and ochre threads  

Clan Botterfyre at Dunhelm

Animus: the Butterfly
Main Colours: pale purple (lilac, mauve) with silver and ochre threads  

Clan Badgorsen at Carrhelm

Animus: the Badger
Main Colours: mid-green with black and/or silver threads  

Clans of Cauldwell


Clan Cobburn at Muirholm

Animus: the Swan
Main Colours: cream or pale grey with dark blue and brown threads  

Clan Seelfielfd at Finholm

Animus: the Seal
Main Colours: grey or silver with red and ochre threads  

Clan Bearwode at Norhelm 

Animus: the Bear
Main Colours: dark russet colours with red and black threads  

Clan Renade at Mawhelm

Animus: the Fox
Main Colours: cream or pale grey with russet and green threads  

Clans of Beyonfar


Clan Hawkend at Righolm

Animus: the Hawk
Main Colours: royal blue with russet and ochre threads  

Clan Gusson at Gusshelm

Animus: the Geese
Main Colours: dove grey with black and light blue threads  

Clan Crowdlaw at Crowhelm

Animus: the Crow
Main Colours: inky-black with ochre and red threads


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