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the Last Words


The 'Last Words' is the name of a terrible prophecy uttered five hundred years ago by the notorious White Seer Bergamon Perdun.

Bergamon was White Seer to several Thanes during his long and productive life, notably Thane Vole Mallion from Clan Botterfyre

During his tenure, the pious Vole was under the charismatic Bergamon's influence, and Bergamon had free reign to push his religious agenda. 

As a seer of The Sanctuary, Bergamon used his influence with the Thane to build on the already extensive domains the organisation held throughout Alven. 

Notably, Bergamon built the remote sanctuary of Glastempal in the north of Farden

The sanctuary was built on the shores of The North Sea and it faces The Fire Mountains, a volcanic range where the gods are supposed to reside in exile. This is also where Bergamon died and uttered the 'Last Words' prophecy. 

Bergamon believed the Alven gods would return and claimed he saw visions of the apocalyptic events. He was a staunch believer of The Return of Leweyd the Many-Ones. So much so that on his deathbed, Bergamon made the following prophecy:

Watch the skies redden over Farden,
Hear the deerwolves howl. 
They call over the din of ages 
to usher a new age. 

Behold the gods as they were 
burning the lands before them. 
Angry and forlorn,

they spread disease, death, and hunger 
to faithless men.

Watch the skies over Farden, 
honor the gods and their powers 
give tribute now and forever.


Bergamon's last words became known as 'the Last Words'. The The Sanctuary has been keen to keep the prophecy at the forefront of his teachings. The doomsday scenario has instilled fear among the pious clansmen over the centuries.

The Sanctuary's interpretation of the Last Words has not changed over the five hundred years of its existence: 'If you stray away from worshipping the gods, they will show their anger, come back and destroy Alven.'

Of course, the prophecy has had many detractors over the years. The new intellectual drive towards science and objectivism has ridiculed it—not always openly. According to the brightest mind of The Enlightenmentthe Second Darkening (as it is often called) is pure religious propaganda.


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