Ashguard Dominion Organization in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil

Ashguard Dominion

Our Blood Shall Know No Fear

The Ashguard Dominion is a powerful empire with a fearsome reputation. They are an imperialistic, totalitarian dictatorship based on large scale slavery, expansionism, and the conquering of nearby regions. Their population consists of former tribals, converted soldiers, corrupt politicians, and uncountable masses of conquered and reformed civilians. To those outside it's borders, the dominion is a brutal, expansionist, and threatening society, yet for those who look beyond it's warlike and totalitarian exterior find a strangely inclusive society to those who have the strength to survive it's harshness. Anyone can rise to a position of power and respect within the dominion if they can display the necessary aptitude, regardless of social standing, background, homeland, or wealth. The dominion values strengths above all, no matter how that strength may manifest.

Our Blood Shall Know No Fear

Geopolitical, Empire
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members