Bhaal Character in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil


God of Murder and Hatred

The Bloodthirster

Bhaal, one of the four Primal Fiends, is the red god of slaughter, hatred, and bloodshed. Devoid of any emotion other than rage and disdain, in his name marauders destroy, pillage, and slaughter for the Bloodthirster in an attempt to catch his ire. His rage is endless, his fury immutable, and his love for mindless destruction and violence is unquenchable. The looting, decay, and devastation that come with the fall of organized society all feed his lust for wanton destruction. In the heat of a raging battle, warriors call upon their gods for strength, but it may not always be the guiding hand of Celestor that answers the mortal men who petition the deities, but the Blood God.   Every act of slaughter and every drop of ichor spilled in the universe feeds and powers Bhaal. The god of blood and skulls can also embody pride and honor for his followers, as those worshippers find pride in the act of destruction and domination seeing it in high regard. They take no artful approach to killing, as they wish to slay more than they do inflict pain. Because as the blood and death of their victims feed Bhaal, the suffering and pain they feel can equally be used to empower Vesh. Blood-drenched armies and brutal warriors are those who oft crush their foes in the name of Bhaal, as he twists all living things to his iron will and bloodied hands, forcing even nature itself to bow to his whims.   Bhaal lords over his fiendish hordes and terrifying champions atop a bastion of skulls known as the Bloodstained Citadel. This personal hell lies deep within the realm of Thanaton on the Lower Planes, a blood-soaked battlefield of endless war and strife where conquest rules all and it is a miracle to survive unscathed.


No mortal would be able to lay their eyes upon Bhaal and survive, but various heretical writers have suggested that the Blood God looks somewhat like one of his mighty Greater Daemons, only infinitely more terrifying, his eyes burning with endless fury in the center of his dog-like face. Chipped and broken horns adorn his head and his muscular form towers over even the greatest of Tarrasques. Blood stains his body and the right half of his face's skin has been torn apart, leaving only a bleach-white skull in its place.


The Lord of Bloodshed despises

Divine Domains

  • Blood
  • Death
  • War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An idol comprised of seven pillars intertwined.

Tenets of Faith

  • Ruin. Conquer. Kill.
  • Fear is a great ally. Conquer yours and instill it within your foes.
  • Combat is your greatest gift. Master it and spill endless blood for your blood god.
Divine Classification
God, Primal Fiend
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Lord of Skulls
  • The Lord of Bloodshed
  • Taker of Skulls
  • The Slaughter
  • The Hound (Norsca)
Areas of Worship
  • Anger
  • Hatred
  • Wrath
  • Rage
  • Slaughter
  • War
  • Strength