
Dwarven God of the Forge and Fire

The Fire Below the Mountains

Duradin is the flame and the forge, a dwarf worshipped not only by his kind but by smiths, artisans, and miners alike. He personally shaped the mountains and caverns within after arriving on Riven, and stands as the venerable god of hearth and home. When other gods stepped out of line, Duradin was the first to confront them for their misdeeds whether by his own hands or the molten power of the mountains. Despite the many craftsmen and dwarves who praise him and worship him, Duradin never considers himself anyone's patron despite his dwarvish pride. When he walked the land with his kin and followers, he would only give curt nods or frowns when they presented their work to him. To Duradin, his pride in his work takes a backseat to the work itself, and his legendary craftsmanship most certainly speaks for itself.   Duradin's godstone sits deep within the dwarven capital of Mithril Hall in its lowest, most magmatic depths. Here it depicts himself crafting the weapons and artifacts of the gods leading up to the world-shattering war that was the Calamity. Duradin has buried himself in his work for nigh millennia, working strong dwarvish pride into all of his work and providing the perfect example for dwarf and artisan alike. Some say that a portal leads directly to his smithy somewhere deep below Norsca, where his prior workplace lies in ruin.


Many guild halls and workshops contain images of Duradin, a stout and red-bearded dwarf with magma coursing across his body. Eyes of crimson and bellows of fire and smoke adorn his head, atop it extruding two large, ram-like horns. It is said in myth that only true Dwarven lineages resemble Duradin's form and thusly many Dwarven families of power attempt to replicate this appearance through horned helmets or glowing red jewels and gems.


The Fire Below the Mountains' most well-noted enemy would be that of his former brother: Valhir. The Thousand Pierced Beast decimated many of Duradin's followers after being corrupted by the Primal Fiends. While he once bestowed animals and beasts across Duradin's forged mountains, now Valhir only takes the lives of those who live atop them within his grasp. During the Calamity, Duradin with Iona's help managed to defeat his brother in combat within the farthest regions of Riven's North. Here, broken mountains and faults in the ice are rumored to be remnants of their destructive battle.

Divine Domains

  • Forge
  • Light
  • Order

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An Ornate Carved Ram with his Name in Dwarvish.

Tenets of Faith

  • Remain stoic and tenacious in the face of catastrophe.
  • Uphold and promote loyalty to your family, loyalty to your clan, and loyalty to your people.
  • Legacy is paramount. To create something that lasts is to change the world for the better.


Duradin's holy day is known as Hearthforge, celebrated on the 21st of the 2nd month. Family's spend the day inside celebrating each other's presence, artisans craft one masterwork item in Duradin's name (either in a private or competition setting), and dwarves spend the full day in celebration with feasting and drinking.
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The All-Hammer
  • The Firebringer
  • The Mountainsmith
  • The Ram (Norsca)
Areas of Worship  
  • Craftsmanship
  • Fire
  • Labor
  • Humility
  • Dwarves