
The Twin Gods of Monstrosities and Disasters

The Ruiner

Gordrakka is the twin-headed god of monstrous creatures and humanoids, actually an agglomeration of two separate gods who were originally a single being, the brutal and cunning Gor, and the cunning and brutal Drakk. Gor is hailed as the end of empires, representing slaughter and warfare within Orc and Troll tribes across Riven, encouraging them to raid and pillage until there is no more. Drakk is whispered through the ramparts of Orc and Goblin societies as the end of Riven, rumored to be responsible for the most dangerous natural disasters across the four corners of the world. Whenever the time calls for it, whether it be the coming of a greenskin tide or when the gods grow restless, the two brothers come together to form Gordrakka, an unstoppable amalgamation of the two and the greatest idol of the three.   For as long as greenskin kind have plagued civilisation, the booming laughter and thunderous footsteps of the Ruiner have resounded across the Material Plane. Gordrakka is not one god but two, having long ago torn himself apart after a particularly spectacular falling out with himself. Both gods share many aspects of the other, Gor being brutally cunning, while Drakk is more cunningly brutal in nature. Crude images are often found smeared on walls, ruins and caves depicting Gor (or maybe Drakk) hammering enemies with his club or stomping them under his great unwashed feet. Perhaps Drakk (or maybe Gor) was a mortal Orc long ago, as stories go within the vast savannahs of Zarosh that these twins were the betrayers of Orc-kind who plunged their race into darkness and destitude during the Calamity. Whatever the true story behind the End of Empires may be, Gordrakka is a dangerous cataclysm to all within the Material Plane, one that if left unchecked could spell disaster for the inhabitants of these realms.   Gordrakka destroys and maims within the realm of Ghureon in the Lower Planes, a savannah of blood-red grass and dangerous beasts. The land of this plain cracks and breaks under Gordrakka's feet, causing dangerous magma spires, earthquakes, and sinkholes in his wake.


Primitive clay representations in barbaric communities of his followers show the Ruiner as a hulking, bulbous behemoth of an orc. Two heads sprout from his broad shoulders each one identical to the other. His missing eye has shifted off of the head of Drakk, and the prominent eye is now centered on the face of Gor, like a nightmarish cyclops.


Ultharen shot out Gordrakka’s right eye during the Calamity, and the god of disaster longs for the day he can return the favor twofold. Those who serve the Ruiner are sometimes hypnotized by his hateful rage from across the Divine Gate and fall into a strange bloodlust, longing to slaughter elves and those who worship magic at the altar of the Arch Heart. Iona is also a hated foe of Gor and Drakk. The Twin Gods grew his armies by corrupting noble creatures into monsters and destroying the wilds to fuel his terrible engines of conflict, and the two deities clashed many times during the war before his defeat at Gorsfal Plateau.

Divine Domains

  • Death
  • Nature
  • Tempest
  • War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Bleeding eye of Drakk.

Tenets of Faith

  • Be both cunningly brutal and brutally cunning.
  • Take what you want, and destroy the rest.
  • Rampage. Destroy. Leave.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The End of Empires
  • Avatar of Decimation
  • The Twin Gods
Areas of Worship
  • Natural Disasters
  • Orcs
  • Goblinoids
  • Trolls
  • Warfare