
Goddess of Luck and Freedom

The Change Bringer

Also known as “She Who Makes the Path”, The Change Bringer champions freedom, travel, trade, and adventure across the lands. Her will heralds open frontiers, and her call beckons her followers to discover that which awaits them beyond the known. There are few urban temples dedicated to the Lady of Luck, but her shrines are often found along well-traveled roads and off the beaten path. Her worship is common among merchants, free spirits, and adventurers, and tavern cheers celebrate her as a bringer of luck and fortune. This has led her into a rivalry with the Raven Queen and her reapers: the Lamb and the Wolf. Being the embodiments of fate and finality, the Change Bringer naturally attempts to thwart their attempts and the unjust collection of human life by offering them a way to change their fates with her aid.   Olyndra's godstone lies at the King's Crossroad along the longest roadway of the North: the Prime Road. Here it depicts her fooling the First Fiend Raum in order to aid in the escape of worshippers who caught his malicious ire. The followers traversed a rainbow roadway made by her into the sunset, out of the Dormant Master's reach. While this event is a widely known story across Riven, only followers of Olyndra or the Everlight, Ashyn, know that is was the latter's followers running from the fiend after Raum tricked Ashyn into believing he was a redeemable soul.


The Change Bringer is often depicted as a young woman of dark complexion and long, pitch black hair that cascades to form a rainbow-colored road left behind her. Most art shows her in constant motion, ever leading into the unknown.


Enemies of the Change Bringer are those that seek to bend the wills of the free people into their own or control their fates within the grand order of time. Those of the former include the Prince of Darkness Raum, who Olyndra managed to trick in the past saving the followers of Ashyn, or the Whispered One Arkhan who seeks to absorb all life into his undead legions. The Blightfather Virule is also a Betrayer God that the followers of Lady Luck seek to set back the plans of at every turn.

Divine Domains

  • Nature
  • Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Coin embedded with Lady Luck's side profile.

Tenets of Faith

  • Luck favors the bold. Your fate is your own to grasp, and to do so is to have the Change Bringer behind you.
  • Change is inevitable. The righteous can ensure that such change is for the better.
  • Rise against tyranny. Fight for the freedom of yourself and others when you can, and inspire others to fight when you cannot.


Olyndra’s holy day, called New Dawn, takes place on the first day of the first month, when the old year gives way to the new. On the Veridian Coast, people celebrate by having a feast on the shore at dusk to watch the sunset. They feast and discuss their hopes for the new year until the sun rises.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Lady of Luck / Lady Luck
  • She Who Makes the Path
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • Luck Favors the Bold
Areas of Worship
  • Luck
  • Freedom
  • Wealth
  • Chance
  • Guidance
  • Travel