Tiamat Character in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil


Goddess of Evil Dragons, Envy, and Greed

The Scaled Tyrant

The evil queen of dragons is a fearsome god of greed, envy, and hoarded wealth. While chromatic dragons are her foremost worshipers, Tiamat accepts the worship of any who craves wealth. The Scaled Tyrant is arrogant, greedy, hateful, spiteful, and vain. She has never forgiven any kind of slight and is focused on obtaining more power and gold. All chromatic dragons have a fearful reverence for their tyrannical queen, but many dragons of near-deific power and ambition chafe under her rule.    For ages after the Calamity, when the gods were known throughout the lands to have fallen and the scriptures and tapestries of old became nothing but a myth, sages debated whether Tiamat actually was a deity or not. Many believed she was the archetype of evil dragonkind, a devil or demon, the avatar of another deity, or even a mortal dragon so powerful that chromatic dragons revered her as their queen and creator. Maybe, just possibly, she was a follower of Bahamut who strayed from the path of righteousness and gave in to the Primordial's temptations of destruction. This slight against Tiamat has not gone unnoticed by her, and deep within the Lower Planes she plots and stews against the mortals who dare question her place amongst the pantheon. From the realm of Gehenna she lies amongst her hoard imprisoned, waiting to be released amongst her children on the Material Plane and raise mortal kind for their transgressions against her.


Most representations of Tiamat exist as warnings within sanctuaries of the Platinum Dragon Bahamut. She is shown as a drake of frightful size, with massive leathery wings spreading clouds of poisonous mist, while she shouts from five vicious dragon heads, each one a chromatic color of her evil children.


The Scaled Tyrant’s hatred for Bahamut is as old as the Founding, and her cults are ever hunted by his justice. For centuries, the zealous paladins of Bahamut have limited her worship to the chromatic dragons, but in recent decades her worship amongst dragonkind has begun to coalesce into conclaves of these unsightly beasts. Despite the Platinum Dragon's followers claiming nothing is to fear, the retribution of the Dragon Queen's breath can be felt in the distant winds.

Divine Domains

  • Frost
  • Light
  • Order
  • Tempest
  • Trickery
  • War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Dragon's talon.

Tenets of Faith

  • Amass wealth, but spend little. The gold—and the power that comes with it—is sufficient reward in itself.
  • Do not forgive nor forget an indignity to yourself. Let no affront go unpunished.
  • Take what you covet. Those without the strength to defend their dominion are not worthy to have one.
Divine Classification
Goddess, Dragon
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Dragon Queen
  • The Chromatic Hydra
  • The Avaricious
  • The Dark Lady
  • The Many-Mawed
Areas of Worship
  • Evil Dragons
  • Greed
  • Envy
  • Grudges
  • Wealth