Valhir Character in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil


God of Savagery and Beasts

The Thousand-Pierced Beast

To those who still revere him, the Thousand-Pierced Beast Valhir is the untamed wilderness made manifest. Destructive, wild, and stubbornly resolute, he walked these lands once as a sane god of animals and the hunt as the brother of the Allhammer Duradin. During the Founding however, mortals began cultivating civilization with the help of the god Epheal, and Valhir's ire was caught. Cultivating a deep hatred of civilization and the weakness it brought with it, he sided with the Primordials against mortals and attempted to plunge the world back into a simpler time. Now he fights to return to the old ways—when the land was untamed, and blood spilled freely—as the God of beasts and lycans, and savagery. Valhir eagerly battles all who oppose him, with tooth, claw, and savage domination, in an attempt to bring mortal kind back into the ages of myth and the wild.   Valhir is notorious amongst farmers and hunters for being the progenitor of lycanthropy: the supernatural transformation that transforms man into beast. No matter what way this dark practice is utilized, whether it be an ancient ritual, bleak curse, or shamanistic trance, Valhir speaks within the back of the mind to the transformed.   Valhir hunts across the battle-scarred tundra of Ursunar, a realm of his creation within the Lower Planes. Here he hunts alongside beasts and demons to satiate his hunger until he can be brought back into the Material Plane through possession or the breaking of the Divine Gate.


Scrawled along cave walls and burned into the ground of Norscan valleys, Valhir is shown as a large bipedal bear whose head resembles that of a bleach-white stag skull. Its antlers tower above his figure and his black fur hides looming eyes within its hairs. Along his back, hundreds if not thousands of swords, spears, arrows, and axes pierce his spine and shoulderblades unburdened--trophies he has gathered over years of slaughter.


The greatest enemies of the Thousand-Pierced Beast are one of a personal bond and one a personal vendetta. The Dwarven God Duradin, Valhir's brother, is his greatest foe. These two gods have fought on multiple occasions even before the Founding or Calamity, and now their followers seek to eradicate the others. His other greatest enemy is the Goddess of civilization Epheal, for the Law Bearer serves as the antithesis of his and his people's ways of life.

Divine Domains

  • Blood
  • Nature
  • Tempest
  • War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Stag skull adorned with blades and bones.

Tenets of Faith

  • The weak exist to be crushed by the strong. Be the strong.
  • There are no emotions but fury and joy. The rest are weakness.
  • Embrace your primal nature and bestial desires. Maim and maraud those who object.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Relentless Bear
  • Father of Manbeasts
  • Carver of the Five Fjords
  • Destroyer of White Mountain
  • The Demon of Beasts and Death
Areas of Worship
  • Savagery
  • Beasts
  • Hunting
  • Lycanthropy
  • Survival