Vesh Character in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil


Goddess of Excess and Pain

She Who Thirsts

Of piety and pain, Vesh is the youngest of the four Primal Demons. They are the goddess of lust, excess, pain, and pleasure. Wherever mortals are ruled by their carnal pleasures and unquenchable desires, the princess of pain is there in the shadows, whispering to and feasting on the banquet of ecstasy. This is true for more than just indulgence of one another's flesh, it is for those who indulge in culinary delights, beautiful artwork, and even sensual clothing. Any of these can make for a worthy disciple if taken to their desire's very extreme.   Vesh was given life by the immorality and hubris of the ancient Elves. As their empire reached its zenith, the Elven race became lost in their own decadence, for they experience sensation and emotion to a far greater degree than any other intelligent species on Riven. Over several generations, this indolence and hedonism came to rule and pervert their souls. In the Lower Planes, the collective magical reflections of their indolence and amoral hedonism caused a new major power to stir. Created by one species' pure dedication to indulgence and excess, the first motes of magic and what would become Vesh began to coalesce. The dormant Vesh fed upon the unchecked collective psyche of the Elves, drawing on their lusts and ambitions, their artistry and pursuit of excellence in all things. Her nascent dreams became reality as this empire reached the height of its self-indulgence and debauchery, spawning Vesh and in turn letting her feast upon ninety percent of the Elven population, almost destroying the race in its entirety.   Vesh thirsts from her realm of Azzagrat in the Lower Planes, a layer of unspeakable greed, pain, and pleasure. Within its twisting purple-lit landscape lies the Palace of Pleasure, where Vesh siphons the souls of Fiends and trespassers... rather directly. The bodies of those who succumb to the myriad temptations of She Who Thirst's Realm are consumed by the land itself or turned into statues that beautify the view for others.


Vesh is often seen as a hauntingly beautiful woman, adorned with a curvaceous and barely clothed body. From her back pierce two scorpion-like tails and atop her head a crown of thorns, each pulsating a pink aura. While gorgeous, this is little more than a façade to hide her true form beneath, an appearance that is unknown to all of her worshippers and lower-ranking Fiends.


She who Thirsts playfully seeks to destroy the Elven race in its entirety, her most precious meal that eluded her bite. Thus, she despises Alune and Ultharen, the Elven gods of the moon and beauty respectively, and seeks to destroy them in an effort to wipe the last Elven gods off of Riven as well as their children.

Divine Domains

  • Blood
  • Knowledge
  • Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Circle with Piety's Kiss Piercing it.

Tenets of Faith

  • It is better to be loved than feared, but you may certainly try to be both.
  • Embrace every form of ecstasy you desire. Whether it be death, intoxicants, or flesh, enough is never enough!
  • Death to the remaining elves who live under the sun, and ensure the worship of the others who live below it's light.
Divine Classification
God, Primal Fiend
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Princess of Pleasure
  • Agony's Embrace
  • The Reveler
  • Mistress of Excess in All Things
  • The Spider (Norsca)
Areas of Worship
  • Excess
  • Pleasure
  • Decadence
  • Lust
  • Pain
  • Hedonism
  • Passion