Zarosh Geographic Location in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil


The Ancient's Earth

The Southern half of Kaliban, from it's various capes to it's vast savannahs, is known as Zarosh. A land ravaged and heavily shaped by the elements, it's populace has grown around these cataclysmic circumstances and learned to thrive as a united front. Cracks of magma and ice sprawl across the dense jungle canopies, imposing mountains and winding plains, as elemental forces walk along the wildlife as if apart of the fauna in the area. Surprisingly, Zarosh is one of the only regions of Riven to claim no Humans as part of it's population, the only other being Sotek across the nearby ocean. Instead Orcs, Goblinoids, Trolls, Minotaur, and Genasi walk the land in place of more abundant races. The people of Zarosh may be as varied as the land itself, but it's melting pot of cultures and ideas are one of the most tightly-knit coalitions on the planet... just as they would need to be. As even though the people of this land seek nothing more than mutual survival, other alliances and kingdoms seek to subjugate them for their differences.   The North and West of the region are defined by it's large savannah's, plateau's, and bluffs that wind across the landscape in beautifully rough fashion. Pillars of rock and earth protrude out of the land and canopied trees provide relief from the unending sunlight. The Red Barrens is the formal name for the vast savannah cutting the North's two mountain ranges in half. Red spires of rock and sparse plant life populate the red grass of the area, giving it it's name as the sun bares down upon the area. Despite the desolate and unwelcoming conditions of the land, trade routes still make their way across the land towards the major settlements of it, and nomadic tribes wander the area thriving off of it's limited fauna. The most notable settlements in the area are the Kalim'shan Rampart, a defensive fortress far East watching over the ___ Ocean, standing the test of time as one of the oldest outposts on the continent. A trade city across Kalim'shan's neighboring river known as Ord Dahar, known for it's cultivation of livestock and crops that have kept it's walls thriving for ages. The stronghold of Gol'dom, the city of beasts, lies at the base of the Barbed Peaks. It's renowned as one of the larger permanent settlements of the Red Barrens and is renowned for it's cultivation of martial prowess and siege beast production. The village of Stonehorn Bluff sits cliffside of the Hightalon Mountains. Here the minotaur of Zarosh call their home, with various tribes of the mountains and nearby bluffs converging for trade, celebration, and council with the minotaur high chieftain. Finally, the city of Nor Drannas stakes claim to the largest city of the savannah, acting as a trade capital in-between the plains and the capital of Zarosh. Built atop the back of a great earth elemental, the city's spires and rock protect it from outside harm as the final resting place for the Great Cragbreaker gives those of the Barrens a place to call home.   The East is covered by a dense and destructive jungle known as the Zandlari Canopy, home to magma crags and juts of sediment creating intertwining layers of earth under the trees above.    Finally, to the South of the aforementioned Red Barrens and Zandlari Canopy lies the frost-touched badlands of the Great Divide. In the shadow of the Thrice-Crowned Range the Great Divide adopts it's namesake for the vast ravines of lava and ash that dwell beneath it's snow-kissed crags. Frozen cracks of ice and grey rock lay the groundwork that it's people step upon as they make their way South towards the capital of Zarosh: Ogrimmar. The largest settlement on Zarosh's land, it is the seat of it's authority and coalition, an iron and stone citadel that has persisted longer than recorded history. From here the leaders of the land council and decide the next steps for the survival of the land, and it's citizens live in the safest bastion in the Great Divide, let alone Zarosh.