Tank Destroyers Species in The Hummelverse | World Anvil

Tank Destroyers

You are the Stalker - When you hunt, your prey won't know it's in your crosshairs until you deal the killing blow. With your mobility and stealth, you are never far from the action, but always out of reach. Your enemy looks the other way for a moment, and you'll have become their shadow.
You are the Predator - To you, the only true way to hunt is a pitiless hounding. There's no need to sneak around - the wolf does not fear the sheep. You'll make sure your quarry knows you're coming for it, and then it better runs faster than your shells.
The Tank Destroyer's Creed
  Tank Destroyers (short: TDs) come in many shapes.   Some are invisible assassins - too elusive for their designated victims to even spot them before their swift demise, others tough brawlers that rival heavy tanks in terms of firepower and armour.   Tank destroyers tend to have a more feral mindset than other classes - many are cunning killers who don't know mercy or empathy. Their world is clearly divided into allies and prey. After all, a tank destroyer's only purpose is to hunt other vehicles relentlessly, and they have adapted excellently to that role. They strike fear into their enemies and a single skilled TD can easily turn the tide of a battle.   Some of them may be fragile, but they usually make up for it with agility and ability to perfectly camouflage themselves.
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Apr 15, 2021 10:50 by Jan Kaltenecker

I get a few different vibes from this Article/Tank Destroyers.   They read like a myth. Something like Man-Eater Lions, stalking the nights and preying on people. But also like a specific type of Organization (going by the creed). Something like the SAS or Green Berets perhaps. Lastly, they could also fit a more ideological or religious group.   Are they part of other groups or do they stay only with their own? It reads a bit like they would just roam the world, waiting for a mindless Sherman to separate from its team.   Fantastic Article, invites to read more!

"Thunder rolled. It got a 6." — Guards, Guards by Sir Terry Pratchett
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Apr 15, 2021 17:14

Essentially, it's just a type of core. They have very specific purposes, and are built/programmed exactly to fulfill those. You can find tank destroyers everywhere among the other other tanks, it's just that they have a very different temperament from for example a light tank.

Check out The Hummelverse, the world of AI tanks!
Apr 15, 2021 18:27 by Jan Kaltenecker

Thank you very much for that explanation!

"Thunder rolled. It got a 6." — Guards, Guards by Sir Terry Pratchett
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