Aquilonian people are mainly of Hyborian stock. They are a tall race varying in complexion depending on locality. Many of the provinces have distinct cultures and peoples of their own, such as the Bossonian Marches, Gunderland, and Poitain, where black hair and brown eyes are dominant, because of admixture with the brown Zingarans. The Aquilonians remained vital and virile, despite the conquered wealth and sumptuous slpendor. They were also haughty and arrogant and treated less powerful people with intolerance and contempt. As self-proclaimed masters they treated their tributaries as conquered provincial subjects.
Aquilonian names are mostly Latin in style: Attalus, Balthus, Baraccus, Dexitheus, Dion, Emilius, Epeus, Flavius, Hadrathus, Junia, Lucian, Publius, Servius, Tuscelan, Vilerus.
Poitainian names carry some external influences, both from the Zingarans and from the long period of isolation before conquest by Aquilonia, and are Italian in style: Gonzalvio, Prospero, Trocero, etc. Surnames are rare, but occasionally people will append a sobriquet (Dion the Fat) or the father's name, is his father is important (Emilius, son of Flavius).
Bossonians have Germanic names, and these have carried over into their settlements in the southern Westermarck. Here, a man's name is incomplete without the name of his father: Jon Galter's son (ie, Jon, son of Galter), Gault Hagar's son, Ortho Gorm's son.
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