Kothians are a Hyborian race with a strong Stygian strain. They are usually of a lean strong frame, medium in height, and dark haired. Much like the rest of the Hyborians they are warlike. Mitra, the universal god of the Hyborians, is their chief deity although Koth is not fervent in his worship. Kothians seem to be more urbanized than most Hyborians. They are more prone to trade and comers with other peoples which has introduced them to other cultures and religions. Worship of Ishtar and multitudes of other gods including even Setian sects can be found in Koth.
Kothic names are Middle Eastern, Byzantine, Etruscan and Biblical in tone. Examples: (male) Akkutho, Almulric, Altaro, Arbanus, Constantius, Galacus, Khossus, Pelias, Sergius, Strabonus, Tsotha-lanti, Zorathus; (female) Lissa.
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