An Introduction to the Ilastrian in The Ilastrian | World Anvil
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An Introduction to the Ilastrian

by Bellas al'Myr


Welcome to the Ilastrian! I hope your journey to get here was comfortable and uneventful. Here at the Ilastrian we archive all manner of books, manuscripts, and scrolls on a wide variety of subjects. This scroll is intended to help you find a starting point for your research here at the Ilastrian. As such, it is organized similarly to the library itself. Each of the major sections of the library has an introductory section below. This includes what is stored there as well as some example manuscripts for you to start your journey.

Map Room

Our map section is quite large as the eyre of Nair'vyn is over fifteen hundred miles end to end. Add on top of that all of the other floating eyres and it makes for a lot of ground to cover. We have one of the largest collections of maps in the aerchipelago! However, before you head over, let's make sure we are on the same page as far as your expectations.   The Niar'vyn Aerchipelago floats amongst the clouds of Aethyr. As far as we have been able to tell, there is nothing beyond the various expanses other than massive storms. While Nair'vyn itself is the largest of the known eyres, there are many other eyres that float above and below Niar'vyn itself or slightly off its shores. The map room shows maps of the region and the various eyres, but not all eyres have been explored as of the writing of this manuscript.   To learn more about the geography of the aerchipelago or to just peruse the maps themselves, head over to the Map Room. We are continuously expanding this section by hiring explorers with the money you have spent to peruse our collection.

Cultures Wing

There are multiple cultures and species found in the aerchipelago. However, the region is currently dominated by the Cyrlys and the Dyeri. Much of our collection is about these two cultures. So much so that we have an entire wing dedicated to just those two cultures. We do have manuscripts about the other cultures and lost empires, but the information is a bit more sparse and is contained in just over one room. This wing also contains manuscripts detailing the various factions and organizations in the aerchipelago and even notable figures, both current and historical.   To learn more about the cultures of the aerchipelago, head over to the Cultures Wing.

Historical Wall

History unfolds around us as we go about our daily lives. Our historians here at the Ilastrian are traveling far and wide to make sure they have the latest account of the happenings of the aerchipelago. Unfortunately, this means our historical section is a bit out of date. You can expect the timelines to be accurate as of 1280 DC with most major events that have happened since the founding of the Kingdom of Cordael. However, one area we are severely lacking is ancient history and if you wish to be a patron of learning about our historical past, please contact our archeologist Kaliban Pezzlewort as he is looking for funding for his next expedition.   To learn more about the history of the aerchipelago, head over to the Historical Wall and check out the timelines that Kaliban has so lovingly crafted. You can also find some historical documents in the Cultures Wing and in the Hall of Magic and Science.

Hall of Magic and Science

Magic is mysterious and powerful. Most practitioners of magic tend to guard their secrets jealously, especially given the goals of the Chosen of Cyr. However, we have been able to obtain some documents on the basics of magic and its uses in the aerchipelago. On the other hand, our science section is quite extensive. We have works from a variety of noted sages on alchemy, astronomy, ecology, engineering, metallurgy, and physics. This just scratches the surface of the different areas of science we have been able to obtain manuscripts on.   To learn more about how magic and science have affected the aerchipelago or just how something works, head over to the Hall of Magic and Science.

Literature Room

While living in the aerchipelago can be hard and have little room for creative pursuits, some of the myths and legends have been written down in their original form. We do have the complete works of the noted bard Allisane. Her ballads of love and loss are prized throughout the aerchipelago.   While this section doesn't really require a full room, we have added some creature comforts here to make it easier to read the manuscripts without taking them from the library.   To get to the Literature room head down the main hall and take a right at the end. It's right across form the Research Room.

Research Room

This room of the library is filled with partially written manuscripts, books currently untranslated, or scrolls whose quality is suspect. Read these items with some skepticism.   To get to the Research Room head down the main hall and take a left at the end. It's right across from the Literature Room.  

Restricted Area

This area is restricted by the edict of Arron Tellurimar, King of Cordael. To gain access, please contact Seneschal Cadfael Llywelyn and get a written note enclosed with his seal. Sorry for any inconvenience.
An Ode to Vilari   "Silently ebbing and flowing,
Ever just out of reach,
Crossing the void ever so slowly,
Reveling in your silent knowing,
Even as you must leave again,
To seek out that which is lost,
So all can behold its beauty."  
- author unknown
Library Map
  • Map Room
  • Cultures Wing
  • Historical Wall
  • Hall of Magic and Science
  • Literature Room
  • Research Room

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