Episode 5: Fungi Business Report in The Ilastrian | World Anvil
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Episode 5: Fungi Business

General Summary

29th of Harvesttide, 1283 Dyeri Cycle

Climbing up the stairs, Andal, Morgoth, and Silva reach the next level, and immediately a loud shrieking can be heard. Looking around they see a ring of large mushrooms one of which is shrieking. Andal pulls out his shortsword and swings it at one of the mushrooms, slicing off part of its top. At the same time, Halton draws his scimitar and swings at the other strange mushroom. His cut goes wide and clatters against the wall. As the clattering echoes in the room, Silva backs away from the creatures and heads into the archway to another room where she encounters one of those fungal creatures. Throwing down a smoke bomb, the smoke clings to her slightly obscuring her form. Tentacles lash out from one of the mushrooms in the direction of Andal missing completely. Tentacles from the other catch Halton in the leg leaving a nasty cut. Morgoth pulls out his longsword and slices off a portion of the mushroom next to Halton. The shrieking increases in volume and becomes almost unbearable.
After dodging the tentacles, Andal swings with his shortsword again slicing off even more of the mushroom top. Halton grimaces from the pain and slashes with his scimitar causing a grazing blow on the creature. Another grey fungus creature comes from down the hall and swings a pseudopod at Andal striking him in the side. Spores fly up from the hit, but with their mask, Andal is safe from the poison. The other fungus creature notices Silva and a pseudopod slams into her side briefly knocking the breath from her. Silva responds by pulling out her strange wand and a gout of flame streaks to the creature hitting it. The creature burns to ash. As the fungus falls apart, multiple tentacles streak out towards Morgoth slamming harmlessly against his armor. The other mushroom's tentacles slam into Andal's armor. Morgoth slashes with his longsword at the mushroom in front of him, slicing off a bit more of the creature. He then slides past the creature and over near the grey fungus.
Andal moves away from the mushrooms and a tentacle streaks out but goes wide. He then stabs the shrieking mushroom with his shortsword causing a massive wound, but the shrieking continues. Halton slides his scimitar into the mushroom cutting it off at the stalk. He then heads over to the other mushroom. The fungal creature attempts to hit Morgoth with a pseudopod, but it slams into his armor. The other one moves to Andal and his pseudopod goes wide. Silva uses her strange wand again and more fire streaks out, hitting the shrieking mushroom causing it to burn up and stopping the loud noise. Meanwhile, tentacles from the violet mushroom streak out, one hitting Morgoth's shield and the other hitting Halton on the side leaving a gash. Morgoth slides forward and slices at the violet mushroom cutting it apart.
Andal drops his shortsword, draws his dagger, and stabs the grey fungus in front of him striking a mortal blow. He moves around the other fungal creature while Halton applies an ointment on his wounds. They stop bleeding and partially knit close. Putting that away, he slashes with his scimitar on the fungal creature cutting off one of its arms. The creature swings a pseudopod at Morgoth and it flies wide. Silva pulls out a jar and applies a jelly-like substance on Halton's wounds, causing them to knit completely closed. As she gets back up, she notices another fungal creature in the other room. She moves away from it and tells the others about it. Morgoth swings his longsword at the other fungus creature in front of him slicing off almost half of the creature and then moves to the door as a pseudopod streaks out, but misses.
Andal stabs with his dagger slicing off the top of the fungal creature. Andal then moves over to another archway to look for other creatures. At the same time, Halton moves into the other room and sees more than just one new creature (in fact three more) coming from a deeper room. He drops his scimitar, pulls out his bow, and fires an arrow at one of the creatures striking it in the side. The fungal creatures continue into the room and one strikes Halton with a pseudopod, knocking the breath from him. Another strikes at Morgoth but swings wide. The last one gangs up on Halton and strikes him knocking him to the floor. Silva uses her wand and more fire streaks to one of the creatures, but goes wide and hits harmlessly against the wall. At the same time Morgoth swings his longsword and cuts one in half.
Andal leaves the other hall and pulls out his shortbow, firing an arrow at one of the remaining fungal creatures striking it in the mushroom top. The last two fungal creatures strike out at Morgoth and one of them hits him in the side. Silva fires more flame at the creatures, but again it sails wide. Meanwhile, Morgoth feints to one side and then slashes the creature cutting off parts of its pseudopods.
Andal moves a little closer and shoots an arrow at the same creature, but the arrow goes wide. The creatures continue to attack Morgoth with one pseudopod slamming into his leg. Silva again shoots out some flame which hits a creature burning it to ash. Morgoth feeling a little woozy is still able to slash out with his longsword and takes the head clean off. The sounds of battle fade away.
Breathing heavily, Morgoth looks around the room and realizes he is in the remains of some kind of kitchen and pantry. Morgoth leans down and gives Halton a health potion while Andal picks up his weapons and Silva looks around the kitchen. Feeling a little better, Halton applies more ointment to his wounds. Andal starts looking at the boxes while Silva heads into a room with a stone table and some stone benches. Andal finds the boxes have deteriorated and anything inside of them has long since rotted away.
Morgoth continues out of the room with the stone table and heads down the hall where he finds it heads to the left and the right. Andal joins Silva in the room with the table. Morgoth turns the corner and sees a massive fungal creature along with multiple of the smaller ones. It lurches down the hall in his direction. Meanwhile, Andal and Silva head out from the area with the stone table. Andal starts loading up the magic pistol with fire spheres. Getting out into the hall, he sees the creatures further down the hall. A massive creature shambles into view dwarfing the previous creatures.
Silva hears the commotion in the hall and heads out to help the others. She pulls out his wand and fire streaks out across to one of the smaller fungal creatures. It hits and the creature burns to ash. The various mushrooms lurch forward at varying speeds attempting to get to the adventurers. Morgoth swings as one comes close to him. slicing off one of its limbs and then he gathers up his will and seems to swell with power (Second Wind). Meanwhile, Halton moves forward and fires his bow at the same creature and the arrow sails wide.
Andal fires the pistol-like weapon at one of the creatures and the item flares and fire streaks across the hall, but it sails wide. The large creature continues to slowly inch forward towards them. Silva does a double-take at the large creature and then fires her wand at the creature hitting it squarely in the center and the fire briefly flares, but then quickly goes out as they hear a sizzle. The fungal creatures retaliate against Morgoth pummeling him with pseudopods. Most of them flail harmlessly against his armor, but two get through and Morgoth falls to the ground senseless. Halton throws a small ball towards one of the creatures. As it streaks through the air it lights on fire and then strikes the fungus and it burns to ash.
Andal fires the magic pistol again, and it silently sends flame a creature burning it to ash. Then, he moves back down the hall attempting to keep his distance from the creatures. The large shambling fungus inches forward and over Morgoth, engulfing his unconscious form and the others look on in horror as the creature continues moving forward dragging Morgoth with it. Silva fires some more flame at the large creature hitting it on the side. She then ducks into an archway on the side of the hall. The fungal creatures continue to pursue the adventurers and attempt to hit them with pseudopods, but they miss. Halton also keeps his distance and fires his bow and an arrow streaks past the large shambling fungus.
Andal fires with the magic pistol at another one of the smaller creatures and the firebolt goes wide and then he moves through an archway into the room with the stone table as one of the creature's pseudopods connects with him. The large fungus continues to shamble forward seemingly after the ranger Halton. Strangely, the shambling fungus leaves Morgoth's body behind as it squeezes past the other fungal creatures. Silva fires more flame at one of the smaller creatures hitting it and the creature turns to ash as the fire engulfs it. She then ducks behind the archway. The last of the small fungal creature moves into the room after Andal and attempts to hit him with a pseudopod, but Andal dodges to the side. Morgoth wakes from consciousness and looks around as Halton fires another arrow which embeds in a soft portion of the creature doing minimal damage.
Andal fires the pistol again and flames strike the creature and much of it burns away, but the creature continues to try to attack him. The shambler continues to slowly track down Halton, but can't quite reach him. Silva pops back into the hall and shoots a bolt of fire at the shambler down the hall. It impacts the creature but has no effect. The creatures continue to advance and one connects with a pseudopod on Andal rocking him back. Morgoth stands back up and pulls out his bow and moves toward the shambling creature. Halton shoots at the creature as well but his bowstring breaks. Seeing the danger he is in he ducks into one of the archways along the hall.
Andal stabs the creature that hit him slicing off its mushroom top and the creature collapses to the floor. He then drinks down a healing potion and some of his bruises fade away. The shambling creature heads back down the hall towards Silva as its previous quarry proved elusive. At the same time, Silva unleashes another gout of fire that strikes the creature but does minimal damage. She then ducks back into an archway. Morgoth continues down the hallway and into the archway as he flees the battle. Halton pops back out into the hallway, takes aim, and shoots the shambler again with his bow striking it for minimal damage as the arrow hits a squishy bit.
Andal picks back the magic pistol back up, unstraps a shield, and moves closer to the archway attempting to see the shambler. The shambler continues to the archway and then tries to squeeze through towards Silva. She sends more fire its way and the tendrils ignite on fire and the creature slowly burns to ash as they hear a high-pitched squeal that fades away. She moves out into the hallway to see a couple more mushrooms moving down the hall. Morgoth heads back towards the fight and joins back up with Silva. Halton moves towards the mushrooms and shoots his bow at them hitting one of them in the top.
Andal moves back out into the hall and seeing the shambler smoldering on the floor he pulls out his dagger. Silva sends more fire at the mushrooms hitting one and leaving a scorch mark. Morgoth fires an arrow at them which hits and sticks into the top. Halton follows that up with the same thing and another arrow springs from the mushroom.
Andal moves up and stabs one of the creatures with his dagger slicing the top of the creature as more of it falls off. Silva repeats her same firebolt which hits and leaves another scorch mark on it. Tentacles from the mushrooms streak out and hit Andal and lacerate Andal causing him to collapse to the floor unconscious. Morgoth fires his bow again and the arrow splits the creature in twain and the tentacles stop moving. Halton fires at the last mushroom creature and an arrow sprouts from its top.
With a loud roar, Silva's pistol fires, and a lead ball shatters the top of the mushroom.
Halton complains about them always running into battles and they find a spot in the room with the stone table for a bit and lick their wounds. Feeling a bit better, they continue exploring the floor. They head across the hall and into what looks to have been another defensive room in the keep as they find arrowslits that lead to the outside. They find several mounds of armor and weapons none of which are salvageable. Looking through the piles, they find some coins as well as an iron-shod staff with an iron tube. Morgoth picks it up and finds some spheres in the tube and finds two sphere types: a multicolored one and a white transparent one.
Continuing their exploration, they head down the hall to the north and into another tower room. They find several piles of armor and weapons, but no bones. In this place, they find some silver and copper coins. Nothing else seems to be salvageable in this room. They continue down the hall to where the shambling creature came from and pass by one of the destroy creatures where they see a skull with what looks to be an eye-patch on it. Silva looks over the eyepatch and sees it is a dark crystal sitting in a silver rim that is held in place by a metal circlet. A discussion about experimenting with items ensues with them deciding not to do that yet.
Eventually getting to a room filled with the fungus and even larger mushrooms. A score of broken and rotted beds lie near the walls as well as some destroyed footlocker. Morgoth looks through the footlocker with Andal and they find nothing of interest. Finding nothing else they head back down the hall to where it split off and into another tower room. This room is strangely empty other than some fungus.
Feeling they have searched the garrison thoroughly, the adventurers head down to the second floor while discussing how to get the iron chest and the salvageable weapons back to Tanylvar. Getting to the chest, Morgoth and Andal pick it up and carry it to the southern tower as they start to make their way out. While crossing the broken parapet, Morgoth and Andal hears a strange noise and sees some of the rocks fall down from above. Andal asks about some of the healing salve from Halton, but he doesn't have any more made up. Andal then suggests they may not be alone as he thought he saw movement above.
They continue down into the main hall and as Morgoth starts to head out the main doors a crossbow bolt clatters against the door near his head. Ducking back inside, he hears the disembodied voice of Darvan tell them he told them they should have listened to him and another bolt clatters against the door. Darvan then shouts, let her rip guys and a large explosion is heard above them and the rock starts to fall from above. Rocks slide down and cover the door and knock them back further into the main hall.
Heading up to the next floor, Andal checks to see if the doors on the second floor can be used. He finds rocks have fallen into the room and there is no exit there. Andal heads back down and they decide to spend the night in the main hall.

30th of Harvesttide, 1283 Dyeri Cycle

In the morning, Andal loads a multi-color sphere into the studded leather armor. Halton suggests they may not be able to dig out the front door. Andal starts looking around the main hall to see if maybe there is another way out like in the last garrison. He finds a secret door behind where the statue used to be. Opening up the door by moving the statue, he finds a tunnel leading deeper into the cliff wall. The passage leads to a stairwell that goes up and down. They head down the hall and take the stairs down. After about fifty feet, they reach the bottom and find it leads to a cavern.

Rewards Granted

Ironshod staff, 6 multicolor and 6 white transparent with crackling energy in the central tower(Morgoth)
5 gp, 40 sp, and 35 cp (dwarven coins) in the central tower room
20 sp and 50 cp (dwarven coins) in the northern tower room
dark crystal eyepatch in the hall (Silva)
2nd Level Reached!

Missions/Quests Completed

Quests Completed:
  • None
Quests Continued
  • Found more strange magical tech items in ruins

Character(s) interacted with

Halton Forest - ranger from Raventhorp, a friend of Yon.
Grey Fungus - strange grey fungus creatures


Andal loads up the bolter with 6 more fire spheres (he already had two in there).
Andal fires 3 spheres from the 8 that were in the magic pistol
Need to fix the bolter so it properly uses ammunition in Foundry
Spend a short rest in the mess hall.
Morgoth lights a torch.
Andal loads the studded leather armor with a multicolored sphere
Gears of Vengeance
Morgoth Bauglir
Report Date
30 Jan 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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