Episode R16: Into the Ziggurat Report in The Ilastrian | World Anvil
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Episode R16: Into the Ziggurat

General Summary

8th of Sowingtide, 1284 Dyeri Cycle

Taking their newfound information about some potential tunnels under the ruined ziggurats, the adventurers head north while Endarra heads to her village to see if she can get some warriors to help attack the village. Heading through the jungle, they reach the ruins outside of the village after a couple of hours. Exploring the outside of the ruins, Algar, Meriele, and Starla are unable to find any indication of an entrance. However, Willie climbs to the top of the ziggurat and finds the remains of some stairs leading down. After spending some time clearing the rocks, they are able to open up enough of an entry to head down the stairs.
Heading down into the darkness, Starla lights her lantern. The stairs switchback a couple of times before they reach a level passage that seems to head west. After about thirty or forty feet it turns right and heads north. Following the passageway, it opens into a room with an empty stone pool. Above the pool is a stone snakehead with an open mouth. Imagery carved on the walls depicts scenes of battles lost to time. There are three statues in the room, very well preserved given the age of the ruins. Roots from trees and vines dangle from places in the ceiling where the stonework has cracked and fallen to the floor. A faint purplish glow was seen to the east where two sets of stairs went down. A very faint wind-like sound can be heard from the east as well.
Descending the stairs, they enter a stone chamber covered in iconography depicting water and harvest. Icons of gentle rains, bountiful harvests, and joyous cherubs dominate the walls. A stone altar sits on a small pedestal to the south with some dark rust-colored stains. Tow alcoves on the eastern wall glow with a bluish-purplish light. As they watch, a dark, slimy creature the size and shape of a naga warrior silently steps from each of the swirling lights, a tentacle-like appendage squirming from each back and several glowing red eyes on each face.
Algar moves down the stairs and cocks his pistol waiting to get a clear shot. Meriele gestures and speaks a word and fire streaks towards one of the creatures, striking it. The flames damaged the creature but it quickly snuffs out. Sturgill moves forward to one of the creatures and the swirling light pulls him towards the alcove. As one of the creatures fully emerges from the light, Algar shoots his pistol, and the roar of thunder echoes through the tunnels. The bullet grazes the creature and does no damage. The creature swings two axes at Lom'vik, both biting deep into the Alok's side. The tentacle whips around and tries to grapple Lom'vik, but he is able to dodge away from it. The other creature swings its axes at Sturgill. One strikes him in the shoulder while the other misses to the side. The creatures tentacle tries to grapple Sturgill, but he is able to avoid it. Willie moves around the creature and into the swirling light. The light seems to pull him back towards the alcove, but Willie leans forward and resists the pull. He then shoots his pistol at the creature and it strikes the creature in the back, coming out the other side. Black ichor splashes on Lom'vik, but the creature seems to have no reaction to the damage. Lom'vik shouts in anger slashes with his shortsword, but the creature dodges to the side. Starla knocks an arrow and fires at the creature harassing Lom'vik. The arrow goes through the neck and partially exits the other side. The creature doesn't react to the arrow as ichor starts to flow from the wound and down its chest and back.
Algar fires another shot at the creature. The bullet takes out the eye cluster and goes out the back of the head as the roar echoes through the chamber. The head snaps back for a moment, but otherwise, there is no indication that the creature felt the damage. Meriele gestures again and fire streaks past the creature on Lom'vik, missing. Sturgill defensively backs out of the swirling light with difficulty. The creature on Lom'vik swings an axe that bites deep into Lom'vik's side while the second axe misses. The tentacle lashes out and the creature falls to one knee as Lom'vik punches it to the side. The other creature moves from the alcove and attacks Sturgill with two axes, the first hits him along the shoulder drawing blood while the second bites deep into his right side and Sturgill falls to the floor, bleeding from multiple wounds. The tentacle lashes out at Starla and wraps around her torso holding her in place. Willie fires another shot at the creature on Lom'vik and the creature falls to the floor as the bullet catches the arrow lodged in the neck and the head disconnects and lands to the next of Lom'vik. The blast echoes throughout the chamber. Lom'vik pulls out his whip and whirls it at the other creature, but the creature ducks below the snapping whip. Starla drops her bow and attempts to cut the tentacle. The rapier slides along the tentacle, fileting it, but the creature maintains its hold on her.
Algar moves around Lom'vik and aims carefully at the creature, firing his pistol. The bullet strikes the side of the creature and ichor flows from the wound. Meriele pulls forth a diamond and focuses her will. An orb of energy streaks from the crystal, but passes harmlessly by the creature and into the swirling light. There is no sound of it hitting anything as it vanishes. The creature swings with its tentacle and attempts to slam Starla against the wall. While she hits the wall, it is somewhat ineffective as it doesn't seem to get enough leverage. Willie fires another shot from his pistol and the bullet strike the creature in the head and ichor explodes from the other side and splashes against the wall. Lom'vik swings the whip at the creature and the crack of the whip comes up short. Starla slashes with her rapier at the tentacle and it skitters along it without doing much damage.
Algar aims carefully and fires his pistol at the creature's tentacle. The bullet whizzes in front of Starla and strikes the tentacle which causes it to release her. Meriele whips her hand around in several circles and electricity builds up before streaking forth and wrapping around the creature. She jerks her hand back attempting to pull the creature towards her, but the creature is able to hold its ground as the electricity dissipates. The creature attacks Starla with two axes, both of them missing as the effects of Algar's shot seems to have rattled it. The tentacle which had hung loosely by its side starts to move again. Willie moves up to Sturgill and applies a balm to his wounds causing them to stop bleeding. Lom'vik swing his whip again and the creature catches it, pulling it from the surprised Alok's hand, and dropping it to the floor. Starla slashes with her rapier, but misses. She uses her momentum to carry past the creature and put some distance between them.
Algar fires one more shot at the creature, but the bullet goes wide. Meriele focuses on the diamond again and an orb of fire streaks out striking the creature slamming into the top of its torso. The creature lights on fire and falls to the ground slowly being consumed by the fire...

Character(s) interacted with

Endarra - Caelon scout
Strange naga like black creatures from two pools of swirling light


Starla shot one arrow (recovered)
Algar shot five bullets.
Willie shot three bullets.
Meriele used two 1st level slots.
Red Skies
Starla Downbottom
Human ()
13 / 13 HP
Alok ()
Barbarian 1
Fighter 0
19 / 19 HP
Meriele Hishi
Half Elf (Sailor (Navigator))
Sorcerer (Storm Origin) 1
13 / 13 HP
Willie One Eye
Algar Middlebrew
Lawful Neutral City Dwarf ()
Gunslinger 1
15 / 15 HP
Sturgill "Swapper" Thompson
n/a Mixed Race (Sailor - Ship's Surgeon)
Paladin 1
12 / 12 HP
Report Date
02 Jun 2021

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