Episode R38: The Docks Report Report in The Ilastrian | World Anvil
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Episode R38: The Docks Report

General Summary

18th of Sowingtide, 1284 Dyeri Cycle

As they enter the docks, Barrsk inquires of "captain" Willie if the group will be hiring on the rest of the crew for future voyages. Assured by Willie that they will be, Barrsk expresses some reservations about the adventurers but seems willing to remain. The Sea Spray docks and the adventurers disembark, heading to the Drunken Maiden. Lom'vik looks around for a possible ship to hire to get Penvro, but realizes most businesses are starting to wind down for the day, so just sticks with the rest of the group. Starla speaks with the bartender, Lyr Brech, about jobs. Her inquiry about shady jobs is rebuffed by Lyr, but he sends her to the Dives and the Drop Anchor tavern. Starla asks about interesting things around town. He mentions the job board, but also the blockade. He mentions they are blockade sugar and spice. A retaliation for the Chosen of Cyr attacking others. Starla asks if it is hurting his bottom line and he says quite contrary, currently is boosting his business given the number of sailors and dockworkers who have nothing better to do except drink. He suspects the men will lose their retainers if this lasts too long.
Meanwhile, Sturgill is trying to spread the good tidings of the Drowned One to the most despondent in the room by telling them "cheer up, you might drown one day." The first one looks at him and says, "true, true". The second one says that's not very heartwarming and the sailor next to him mentions it is better to drown than what happened to the girl they found in the alleyway a couple of days ago.
Lyr tell Starla about a warehouse which collapsed somewhat recently (maybe a week ago). Something about an underground grotto and other conflicting reports. Meriele listens to several of the conversations and the main concern seems to be the blockade. There are some dice games going on. Meriele notices a man strumming a loot over by the fireplace. She also overhears the conversation with Sturgill and the drowning. Another mentions the woman had eyes carved into her body. Lyr tells them to be quiet so they don't drive the new customers away. Algar asks about the eyes and the man says maybe it was from some sea cult. He also says her own eyes were removed. Maybe it was just a junkie high on the Dream Flake.
The group breaks up and heads to different locations. Starla wanders down to the Drop Anchor while the rest of the group head to the harbormaster. They notice several Aloks down by the warehouse district as they head to the harbormaster. Lom'vik sticks with the group and tries to keep up appearances. They reach the harbormaster's and find a dwarf talking with what looks like maybe a ship captain. The dwarf tells the captain to run the risk of leaving through the blockade and he only runs the docks and the harbor. The captain seems to be complaining about blockade and the dwarf tells him to take it up with the Chosen at the Beacon if he doesn't like it. The captain acquiesces but tells him there is no more money for dock fees and the dwarf just tells him to get out of his office. The captain leaves in a huff and the harbormaster, Nazeem, talks to the group asking what they need. Willie mentions they need ship repairs and when asked the name, mentions the Sea Spray. Nazeem seems confused as that ship was supposed to be bound for Millisari and Willie doesn't look like Captain Andre who was here 3 days ago. Nazeem doesn't believe them and asks them where they got the ship. Willie mentions they found it abandoned and Nazeem tells them he has to report it to the Millisari Trading Company who technically own the ship. Willie convinces him to delay the report with a 10gp bribe, but he can't change the name on the ship as he won't cross the Millisari Trading Company as the owner is not one to be trifled with. Nazeem mentions there are three places to get the ship fixed, Roland's Repair near the Dives, the Dry Dock in the Warehouse district, and Rellehak Salvage in the Dock district. He mentions they could change the name of the ship, but that they also need the writ as well. Willie and his group head off towards Roland's Repair.
Meanwhile, Starla arrives at the Drop Anchor to find a ramshackle place that puts the dive in dive bar. It almost looks abandoned, but she hears people inside and so heads in where she finds a relatively cozy room packed with about two dozen people and a blonde man with a pencil-thin mustache behind the bar speaking with some men. He pulls out a small bag and hands it to them and the two men head off. Starla orders an ale for 2cp and speaks with the bartender about possible jobs. Starla mentions she is from Myrgael and he tells her to keep that to herself. They have a lovely conversation in Thieve's Cant about various jobs. He asks about drug work, smuggling, or second-story work (cat burglar). Crosse mentions a group that is looking for someone to break into various places. He tells her to come back after midnight and he will point her to the right people. Starla has another drink of the good stuff for another 2cp. She mentions it's decent and Crosse mentions its from a brewery in North Fyran called Ralthar, Gralthar, he couldn't remember the exact name.
Willie reaches the dry dock in the Dives. He notices the dry dock will be a tight fit, but it will possibly work. He sees some people working on a fishing boat and as they get closer a man looks up, catches their eye, and asks if he can help them. He is introduced to Roland, a 6'3" guy, pretty well-muscled, and Cyrlys in origin who asks what they need. Roland asks about the ship and Willie tells him it has a hole in it, the wrong name, and the wrong registration. Roland can help him with the first two, but not the third. Roland tells him Olaf will come by in about an hour to look over the ship and damage to give them an estimate. Roland heads back to work on the fisherman boat. Willie and his posse head back to the Sea Spray.
Reaching the ship, Barrsk mentions the harbormaster came by and they paid the 1 silver for the berth. Four of the crew head out to spend some shore leave, Tuber, Lond, Aislan, and Rat. Willie heads back onto the ship. Sturgill is concerned the crew aren't coming back. Meriele mentions they need to solve the registration before the ship name. They sit there waiting for Olaf while Starla is sipping her drink in the Drop Anchor...

Character(s) interacted with

Nazeem Dolleln - harbormaster
Roland Barrande - Roland's Repairs
Lyr Brech - Drunken Maiden
Crosse Taggart - Drop Anchor

Created Content

Drop Anchor
Drunken Maiden
Roland's Repairs


4cp paid by Starla for drinks
10gp paid by Willie/party for bribe
1sp paid by Barrsk for dock berth
Red Skies
Starla Downbottom
Human ()
13 / 13 HP
Alok ()
Barbarian 1
Fighter 0
19 / 19 HP
Meriele Hishi
Half Elf (Sailor (Navigator))
Sorcerer (Storm Origin) 1
13 / 13 HP
Willie One Eye
Algar Middlebrew
Lawful Neutral City Dwarf ()
Gunslinger 1
15 / 15 HP
Sturgill "Swapper" Thompson
n/a Mixed Race (Sailor - Ship's Surgeon)
Paladin 1
12 / 12 HP
Report Date
01 Dec 2021
Primary Location

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