Tanylvar Settlement in The Ilastrian | World Anvil
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Tanylvar is a large mining town on the western edge of the Norcyg, a lake in the foothills of the Lyrvar Mountains. Tanylvar is part of the Shire of Fortyn, one of the richer baronies in the Cyrlys Kingdom. Tanylvar is known for the rich gold, silver, iron, and copper mines that are found in the surrounding hills and mountains. It has a population of around 3000 souls, mostly Dyeri and Cyrlys, and a decent population of halflings. There is a smattering of other races with dwarves being the most of that. Tanylvar exports ore, gold, silver, and copper to the rest of the kingdom. It has a bustling fishing industry as the lake supports a wide variety of fish. Ship masts are also exported from the nearby steel pine forests. Lastly, it exports wine as the climate is perfect for growing grapes.
Tanylvar is overseen by Baron Dolgas Fortyn, a cousin of the current regent of the March of Cyrnwt, Countess Fyldara Cyrnwt. This is considered a plumb lordship as the mines are nowhere near running out of ore and the city has an abundance of riches. The lord has a small council of the more important merchant guilds (such as the mining guild, shipwright guild, and craftsman guild) which he uses as advisors, but for the most part, he has subordinates who perform much of the day-to-day running of the city. The city guard, known as the Black Watch, numbers around 200 men and can be used as infantry in times of war.
While the city is relatively rich, much of the populace does not share in it. Conditions are not squalid, but work in the mine does not pay the greatest amount. Nobles are the highest level in the city followed by merchants, then shopkeepers, followed by guards, and finally miners, dock workers, and fishermen. Most of the miners and fishermen are Dyeri by heritage, kept to the lower castes because of their race and culture. Because of this, there is a low buzz of discontent in the city that is being ignored by the well-to-do and could erupt at any time.
The city is broken up into four districts: Merchant, Dock, Common, and the Camps. The Merchant district was once the old city and houses the main guard garrison as well as many of the city's merchants and the baron himself. The Dock district is all along the waterfront. The Common district is where the majority of the city's populace lives and is outside the current walls (which just contain Merchant district). Finally, the Camps district is a series of mining and logging camps that are set up along the Tanyl River on the northwest side of the city.
Construction has begun on a new palace on the southeastern side of the city. This new district is being designed with the baron and the nobility class in mind. Currently, the walls are under construction as well as the base foundation of the new palace. Walls are also being built along the south side of the Tanyl river out to the Docks as the baron wishes to fortify more of the city given the recent news of Dyeri aggression to the north and goblinoid activity to the west.
Religion in the city focuses on Cyr, Bringer of Life, and all aspects are given some form of worship. Donvyn yl Cyr (Order of Wisdom) is the largest order in the city and the Temple of Wisdom is one of the most prominent buildings in the Merchant district.
The Black Watch is run by Commander Brycyn Vwn. Vwn is a no-nonsense kind of guy and discipline in the guard is quite strict. Members of the guard are held to a high standard of martial prowess and loyalty. The guard projects an air of being beyond reproach, but a well-placed bribe can sometimes cause them to look the other way. It is unknown whether or not Vwn approves of this or if it is just being kept from him.
There are rumors of two organizations in the city that operate in the grey areas of the law. The first is known as the Shadow Circle. They have gotten this name due to the black circle they leave at their crime scenes. The other has been given the name the Hood. No one knows if this just references one person or a group. Honestly, very little is known about either organization as the guard has yet to catch anyone known to be a member of either.

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