Bonded Mount
A character who selects this Boon at character creation starts play with a "normal" mount (as indicated by the Riding(article:32d2d310-4b53-4978-8c62-770f85c4b359) skill. They do not need to spend starting funds on the animal, however they are expected to select a base level mount suitable for their culture or enviroment (ussually a horse in most areas of Alwaus although the specifics should be selected with your GM). Unlike the @[Animal Companion Talent, your character cannot dictate the animal's actions nor is it trained for combat - however it will respond to simple commands and come when it is called, and can be usually counted on to not run away at first sign of violence. This talent cost twice as much if you don't name your horse, as only a monster or an elf would do that.
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