Discipline - Fear
Some mundane yet terrifying situations can justify
a fear check. Whenever a character is facing a stressful
and dangerous situation and has no control over it, a
fear check can be made to determine how the character
reacts to what they are exposed. Note than some situations,
while dangerous and stressful, requires a Cool
check rather than a fear check (see "Keep your Cool" on
page 30). Finally, horrific and gorey sights will also
justify a fear check.
After her wagon brakes down in the middle of nowhere,
Sophitia starts looking for help. There seems be a house
in the distance with lights on. She walks up to the
door and knocks, but gets no answer. She puts her
hand on the handle and the door opens.
She calls to anyone inside but again, no answer. She
then enters, looking around for a toolkit to repair her wagon.
As she continues to look around the house, she
hears a noise in the basement. She opens the door
leading down and calls out again and once again, she
is answered only by silence.
She walks down the stairs and looks around. Opening
a side door reveals a horrific sight: in the middle
of the room is a naked man, suspended in the air by
his hands to a large metal hook affixed to the ceiling!
He is missing a leg, which was clearly butchered. Her
gaze goes from the man to a nearby table, where the
limb stands next to a bloody cleaver.
This horrific scene calls for fear check. The gore she's
witnessing, along with being in a basement in the
middle of nowhere makes this a Daunting (dddd)
Discipline check.
The roll generates ffhh. Failing the check, Sophitia
suffers from the disoriented condition. The GM
spends the first h to have Emily flee in terror. The
second h is spent to have her scream as she panics.
This will contribute to have the antagonist show up
as she runs upstairs.
Mitsurugi is a veteran of The Rangers, a group of monster hunters. All day, he's been investigating
the recent massacres of a local community's
livestock. He gathered witnesses, footprints,
and other clues leading him to think he's going to
face a harpey. He makes sure to prepare proper equipment
to face such a creature based on his knowledge.
Even though he's been a ranger for years now, he's
never actually faced a harpyey.
Later that day, he encounters the creature, which has
the Terryfing scream special ability, forcing Cyrus to make
a Hard (ddd) fear check. Since Mitsurugi had the day
to prepare himself for this encounter, he is not as
stressed. Therefore, the GM adds a b to the check.
The roll generates sht. The GM spends the h
to have Mitsurugi experience an adrenaline rush. He will
add b to his next check but suffers 3 strain. Then,
Mitsurguri's' player spends the t to have the ranger not
be afraid of harpies. Mitsurugi' player writes a new ability
on his character sheet that makes him immune to
harpies' Terrifying scream ability.
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