Hard Tasks [ X X X ]
Characters find Hard tasks much more challenging
than Average tasks. Success is certainly feasible,
but failure is far from surprising. A typical character
with the proper training, resources, and tools for the
situation should still expect fail a Hard check almost as
often as they succeed (our focused character succeeds
at Hard tasks just over half of the time, and our general
character only succeeds about a third of the time).
Hard tasks are challenging enough that you that before attempting them, you should consider improving your character’s chances by equipping them with specific tools, purchasing specific talents, or purchasing additional ranks in the appropriate skill. You could also spend a Story Point to upgrade the check and increase your character’s chances.
A Hard task adds three Difficulty dice (d d d ) to the skill check’s dice pool.
Hard tasks are challenging enough that you that before attempting them, you should consider improving your character’s chances by equipping them with specific tools, purchasing specific talents, or purchasing additional ranks in the appropriate skill. You could also spend a Story Point to upgrade the check and increase your character’s chances.
A Hard task adds three Difficulty dice (d d d ) to the skill check’s dice pool.
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