Survival (Cunning)
There are a thousand tricks your character needs to master
in order to survive in the wilderness, and the more
ranks in Survival they have, the more likely they are to
know them. The Survival skill covers your character’s
ability to find food and water, cope with dangerous conditions,
hunt and skin animals, and, well, survive in any
location that doesn’t have a supermarket on the corner.
In many ways, you can think of Survival as the rural
counterpart to Streetwise. They both represent many of
the same activities, but Survival applies to the wilderness,
while Streetwise applies to the big city.
Your character should use this skill if…
• Your character is trapped in the wilderness and
needs to find food and potable water.
• Your character needs to notice approaching severe
weather and know how to prepare for it.
• Your character needs to follow a crude map or directions
through a rural area to find a specific location.
• Your character tries to tame or calm a wild animal,
or handle a domesticated animal.
• Your character hunts something (or someone!)
through a wilderness setting.
Your character should not use this skill if…
• Your character uses a highly accurate and detailed
map to find a location.
• Your character tries to find their way around an
urban environment. In this case, your character
should be using Streetwise.
• Your character interacts with an animal that already
likes or respects your character, or your character
asks an animal to do something completely within
their nature (they wouldn’t need to make a Survival
check to get a dog to play “fetch,” for example).
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