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The Elements

The Elements have been a long disputed argument within scholastic debates. Where did they come from? How long will they roam our world? Why do they take the forms they have? Are they indestructible or is it their size that makes them hard to destroy. Scholars have been studying these gentle giants for years. Chipping away at their hides to analyze samples, studying their walking patterns. Scholars are still largely in the dark as to what capabilities these giants harness.  

Terra Perditor

Terra Perditor aka Earth Destroyer, a monstrous mountain sized bug like creature that roams the Aranian continent. Scholars believe this Element to be traversing ley-lines searching for areas of high energy content. It is the only Element believed to require sustenance, believed to be required due to its enormous size. Terra Perditor has been observed to hibernate for upwards of a century. The mountain sized creature was observed burying itself into the ground displacing tons upon tons of earth.  

Aqua Serpentis

Aqua Serpentis Aka Water Serpent, a terrifying deep ocean dwelling creature. Unlike Terra Perditor this nightmarish creature seldom sees the light of day. Due to its unique habitat dwelling, little is known about this Element. It was only on accident that a scholar was able to witness the beast crashing through the waves, changing form as it went, like the changing of the tides.  

Secundus sol

Secundus sol aka Second Sun, is known so because of the similarities between itself and the sun, whilst all the Elements are an extremely destructive force, Secundus Sol is the only Element to wreak absolute havoc upon the world wherever it floats by. Burning indiscriminately, the ground, women, children and men alike. For centuries this living horror brought dread upon nations as they would watch it slowly drift. Kingdoms were razed to the ground and races were lost to the ages. Until the birth of magic and with it, the Elves. Able to harness the power of Aparthinia the Elves managed to trap and seal away the might of Secundus Sol. A special containment facility was created by the Dwarves to contain and study this phenomenon, and to this day Secundus Sol lays dormant.  

Spiritus Furtivae

Spiritus Furtivae aka Lost Breath, unlike its relatives, this Element is scarcely known, only the most studious of scholars discover the rare sightings of such a magnificent creation. Possessing no physical form and harnessing very little power when compared to the rest, Spiritus Furtivae is aptly named because the sight is supposed to be so beautiful it steals your breath away.

Civilization and Culture


Stone tablets were found amidst a shipwreck, presumably wrecked while transporting various historical artifacts, upon translation it speaks of a war that lasted so long, generations upon generations never saw the end of it. That kids were brought up as soldiers, died soldiers, and their offspring the same. Other tablets speak of the travesties wrought by the war, family betraying family, allies turning on one another. So far the translated scriptures of these tablets speak not of the start of the war or what caused it, some speculate that not even they are aware of the starting events, however they do mention beings of unstoppable power. Beings that persisted even when the humanoid races died. Beings made up of the very elements that allow the races to live.   Scholars believe this to be the first recorded mention of The Elements. The texts appear to be dated 1638, it is unclear as to what era this may be referring to. One party of scholars believes these dates to be from the old era, a time before recorded history, a time in which the races lost everything. An unknown era, whose influence still persists over the world and yet no knowledge has been retained. There are arguments in the academic world that these may be the only surviving records from that time and as such, are of great importance to maintaining the history of the world.

Common Myths and Legends

It is said that if you come withing sight of an Element, no matter which one it may be, all fighting must cease. A sword may not be swung, a dagger not hurled, an arrow not knocked or fired, it is imperative that hostile action not be taken while these gentle giants can be seen. For if a hostile action is taken they will incur the wrath of the Element. It's full fury will rain down upon the perpetrator and those unlucky enough to be caught within their range.
Scientific Name
aqua, terra, aer, ignis
Average Height
Aqua; 30m Terra; 2.25km Aer; n/a Ignis; 45m
Average Length
Aqua; 60m Terra; 5km Aer; n/a Ignis; 70m

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