Deep Gnomes

The Deep Gnomes, called Svirfneblin in their own tongue, are grey-skinned and white-haired denizens of the Underdark and are inherently attuned to the magic in their deep realm, being able to magically obscure themselves. Naturally intelligent like their standard gnomish cousins, they are known for making all kinds of wonderous gizmos and find themselves having an easier time learning the arts of artificing. While their surface dwelling cousins are known for their optimism and cheerfulness, deep gnomes are notably more serious and suspicious of others.   The average deep gnome usually stands around 3 and a half feet tall, with the largest of deep gnomes standing no taller than 4 feet. Living in the darkness of their underground home has also given them exceptionally good darkvision. Deep gnomes are also quite long lived; Having a life span of up to 500 years.


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