Drow Elves

Drow elves are denizens of the Underdark hailing from their deep city of Menzoberranzan. They sport a range of skin tones from dark grey, to blue, to purple, and many having bright red, purple or grey eyes. Like their surface dwelling elven cousins, drow elves are slim, athletic, and naturally beautiful, but also hold superior darkvision as a product of their dark environment. They are also one of the longest lived races, usually living up to 750 years old.   Drow elves have a reputation for being cruel and calculating, with their society in Menzoberranzan being extremely cutthroat, with nobles constantly plotting against each other and having battles of intrigue. Drow elf society is also very matriarchal, with men almost being treated as second class citizens in some cases. Drows have also been known to take slaves for various purposes, be it for labor or for pleasure... With their high society being extremely debaucherous and promiscuous, regularly holding grand orgies and hedonistic parties.   Not all Drow are of this disposition however. Some Drow choose to forsake this lifestyle and choose to try and do good and act in a more "civilized" manner that is more comparable to surface nations, with some Drow even choosing to leave the Underdark entirely for one reason or other and make their way to the surface.


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