
Halflings, known as Hin in their own tongue, are a short and joyful race fond of food, drink, and smokeleaf. Most halflings are pretty easy going, but brave, resolute, and even sometimes uncannily lucky. Most halflings live about 150 years, stand between 2'8 and 3'4 feet tall, and usually weigh around 30-40 pounds, although some halflings, on account of their love for the sweeter things in life, have been known to grow quite... Bulbous... Halflings are known to usually be pretty nice, hospitable, and easy going (of course there are always exceptions to this), and often welcome wayward travellers into their homes for food and drinks.   Halflings have spread out across most of the known world and can be found in almost every city or town. Although they haven't had a true homeland in milennia, independant halfling towns can be found across much of Aurend and northern Wracias. Halfling beer and liqour is also extremely popular around the known world, with their stouts and strong whiskey being a favorite amongst many humans. Halflings have also been known to make a kind of cheese called gidgeon spring cheese which is made with a mixture of sheep milk, goat milk, and a special herb called gidgeon leaf, which can produce a mild hallucinogenic effect but only in halflings. Its often enjoyed with crackers.   Halflings are also well known for their goat riders and rangers. Halfing goat riders being a suprisingly effective cavalry force and their rangers being very skilled in guerilla hit-and-run tactics.


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