
Large, angry, and very strong, full-blooded orcs are dangerous foes to whoever is unlucky enough to cross them. While more intelligent than their goblin cousins, they still arent the most intellectually inclined, although they are more capable of greater critical thinking comparativly. Some few orcs however have been known to possess an intellect akin and sometimes beyond that of other species and have forgone their inherent bloodlust. While full orcs are usually unwelcome in most civilized places (there are exceptions to this), not that they would want to be there anyway, because of their inherent nature, many half-orcs populate the known world and are welcomed most places. Although certain groups in the "civilized" races and full orcs themselves often look down on these half-breeds. With many full orcs looking down on them as being tainted by weak blood and inferior and the groups from "civilized" races seeing them almost as an abomination and an unholy offspring as its no secret that many first generation half-orcs aren't conceived by choice; although loving relationships between full orcs and other races have been known to happen. Most people however accept half-orcs as true and productive members of society.   Having a wide array of skin tones, depending on the area the orc is from, their skin tones can range from green, to grey, to even sometimes pink. Orcs also possess large forward tusks, with them being larger on males and smaller on females. Male orcs also pride themselves on the size of their tusks, seeing large tusks as marking a stronger orc.   Orcs usually congregate in clans with some being nomadic and some being settled in a fixed place, with most orc clans following a hierarchal system where the strongest rules.


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