
Tabaxi are a humanoid, cat-like race native to the deserts of southern Wracias where appoximatly 2000 years ago its said they had an empire that spanned to the furthest reaches of the desert before being conquered by humans. Since then tabaxi have had no real homeland and many remain enslaved to this day.   The average tabaxi usually stands around 5 to 6'5 feet tall, weigh between 130 to 230 pounds, and their lifespans are almost comparable to that of humans, living to around 90 years old. Covered head to toe in fur, their coats sport a wide variety of patterns and colors. They also sport incredibly sharp teeth and retractable claws, a tail, and are naturally quick and agile. They also have keen eyesight and possess a form of darkvision.   In many parts of the world tabaxi are looked down on by certain groups of people, who view them as nothing more than thieves, vagrants, and shysters. This stigma is fueled by the fact that many tabaxi that live free outside of the Qenemened Sultanate are born into poor conditions and are forced to use unlawful means simply to survive.


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