The Feywild

The Feywild is an infinitly spanning plane of magic and rampant emotion that runs parallel to the material plane, sharing much of the material planes geography but more exaggerated. In the feywild the laws of nature are more like guidelines. Time works differently, with it speeding up and slowing down seemingly at random, with days, months, or even years passing in the material plane while it might have only been a week in the Feywild. Emotions are harder to control and are more pronounced and can even influence the environment itself. In the Feywild everything is set to the extreme. Sensations like touch, smell, sight, and taste are heightened. Emotions burn brighter. Colors are more vivid and darkness is darker.   The Feywild is a place of unnatural beauty. The trees are always colorful, the waters always bright blue and clear, and the sun seems to always be setting, resulting in an eternal, beautiful sunset. The Feywild is also where all fey come from and where many races of the material plane (i.e. gnomes, elves) can trace their ancestry to. Faeries flitter around the forests, satyrs frolic in the fields, sprites play in the waters, and the near god-like archfey watch over it all.   Even with the Feywild being as chaotic as it is, there are actually settlements and civilization in it. Eladrin, descendants of elves that never left the Feywild who have become infused with the Feywild's magic, have built cities and developed a rich culture of the arts, little faeries have their tiny treehouse towns, and satyrs hold feasts and enjoy theater in their own weird way. Not all of the Feywild is happy go lucky however... Many fey are known to be cruel tricksters who delight in the suffering of mortals. Delighting in curses and causing mortals to go insane in their chaotic domain.


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