
Tieflings are a race that traces its lineage back to the Hells. The product of races of the material plane propagating with denizens of the Hells like devils and succubi, tieflings sport much of the features of their infernal kin, such as horned skulls and spiked tails. They sport a wide array of skin tones; from red to purple to gray to blue to sometimes even a normal tan, with it depending on what kind of being they are descended from. A tiefling can also be born from two seemingly normal parents that have had no contact with the Hells at all but have infernal blood dormant in their genetics. Unfortunatly this is often viewed as a bad omen or something to look down on by many races, and some parents who birth a tiefling have been known to sometimes abandon the baby by leaving it in the wilderness to perish or leaving them at orphanages.   The traits of tieflings often vary wildly due to the chaotic nature of their infernal bloodlines, but most tieflings stand between 5 to 6 feet tall and weighing around 130 to 230 pounds, as well as having various different horn and tail styles. Their lifespans are comparable to that of humans but little bit longer, normally living around century. They also possess a form of darkvision and their bodies are known to be naturally resistant to fire. Tieflings are also often looked down on by certain groups of people, who see their devilish visage as indication that they must share the disposition and evil tendencies of their infernal ancestors. Most tieflings are also naturally magically inclined due to their nature. With all tieflings having some form of innate magic that they can summon.


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