
Tortolan are somewhat rare race of amphibious, tortoise-like, reptilians that have a large shell on their backs that can contain their entire body. They have an incredibly low population in the world, favoring swamps and coasts, with most of their known population only living in one chain of tropical islands in the southern seas as they are an extremely sedentary people and reproduce at a very slow pace. The average tortolan usually stands between 5 to 6 feet tall and are very heavy, weighing between 450 to 500 pounds, with their large shells making up a large portion of that weight. They also live for quite a long time. Usually up to 650 to 700 years old   Although generally very poor swimmers, they are skilled seafarers and fishermen and spend much of their time around water. They can however hold their breath for hours and move through swamps and similar environments with ease. Known to be generally pretty easy going, tortolans enjoy the slow life. They talk slow, move slow, and live long enough to where they really aren't ever in a rush to do things.


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