Grim Neurotoxin Condition in The Infernal Kingdom | World Anvil
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Grim Neurotoxin

The neurotoxin released by the Grim Wood tree.

Transmission & Vectors

Bloodstream via cut or rash


This condition will start by decomposing all bone marrow inside the body and change the neurological system of the lymphocytes and tell them to kill all white blood cells inside the body. After there is no marrow inside the body, the neurotoxin will tell the lymphocytes to self destruct near the bloodstream. this will cause constant internal bleeding and death within 3 days of infection


near the end of day 1, the infected person will start to feel light-headed, will not be able to sleep and have raised blood pressure.   at the beginning of day 2, they will begin to experience stiffness in the muscles due to bone marrow loss and the blood pressure would have increased high enough overnight to cause heart attacks. Near the night they will experience sleep paralysis and hallucinations due to the low amount of blood in the system. Another thing that will happen is the bringing up of and puking of blood due to the veins in the throat being burst and bleeding.   by day 3 they have lost almost all of their blood and are in a fatal state, their heart has weakened to just over 3% of it's normal power. Their brain has died by this time and death is guaranteed.


An ancient monk must use a chant to remove the disease from their system within the first 48 hours of infection. If the chant is done incorrectly, the person's brain will shut down within 10 minutes.


day 1: bone marrow loss day 2: white blood cell killed and internal bleeding day 3: dead

Affected Groups

The average age of humans infected by this is 27 usually people outside of the areas near grim trees do not get affected by this.

Hosts & Carriers

Grim Wood Tree


cloth around wounds


(To be added)

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