Pamphlet 5
A society is built through agreement of association. Each man gives himself to another, and as he has given himself to all he has no rights above any other, nor does any man have any rights over him; when a man gives himself to all, he gives himself to none. Thus a community of equals is formed.
Rather than individuals, we become a body politic, or a state. This means we are committed as members of the state to work in the best interest of each other. As the body is formed entirely of the individuals that joined together to compose it, it cannot work against their interests or it violate the sanctity of the pact that built it.
The individuals are not bound in the way the body is; each has obligations to the body but also to themselves as an individual and should have the freedom to leave the body. To prevent that, the body should serve the individuals to promote fidelity, justly upholding its end of the contract.
If a body is held in place through unequal means - forcing one part to obey through might (the equivalent of violently cutting off a man's arm and sewing it to your own to make it part of you) - the social contract that brought together the body becomes absurd and tyrannical.