Deyalan Constellation

The Deyalan Constellation is a wide collection of 12 interconnected Domains which, since the Second Deep One War, has been wracked by semi-regular sky-storms. The core of the Constellation is the eponymous Deyalo Domain, from which the discovery and development of both locomotive engines (called Lagasi) and Transit Relays occurred in. All spokes of the constellation eventually meet in Deyalo, making it the crossroads of trade and hub of ideas.   The sky-storms which ravage the Deyalan Constellation are a blend of both normal storm behavior as well as truly bizarre effects. As such, most ports which fortify themselves against the storms have two such protections. Most ports, such as Kayalo, use sturdy walls, specially placed channels and redesigned layouts to mitigate the traditional effects of a storm (flooding, strong wind, wind-thrown items, etc.). On top of these typical defenses are the arcane ones. Such defenses consist of some form of magic ward, be it etched into a wall, painted across an asteroid or even the ritualistic placement of prepared asteroids or other physical objects to anchor the defenses. All of these are to shield the settlement from the magical effects of a sky-storm, which are as varied as they are destructive. Such defenses are likewise integrated into the lagasi engines which trawl endlessly across the open sky between ports and settlements. In some ports, elaborate detection and alarm systems have been concocted in order to allow people the chance to hunker down for an approaching sky-storm. Sadly, even years after the last Deep One War, a truly reliable and accurate warning system for a sky-storm has yet to be made. But those invested in the idea continue to refine these systems and in the current day a storm can be identified as it congeals into fullness give or take three days prior to arrival at a particular area or port.
Pronunciation Guide:
Deyalan: de-ya-lan
Deyalo: de-ya-lo
Lagasi: la-ga-si
Kayalo: ka-ya-lo


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