
Karovan is a commander among the Deep Ones and a long standing veteran of the Deep One Wars. Before the Wars, Karovan was a Deep One equivalent to a apprentice architect. When the First War broke out, he joined the ranks of warriors who sought to expel what was perceived to be invaders in the realm of the Deep Ones. Karovan steadily climbed in rank from rank and file soldier to squad leader to warband leader (about four squads under him) over the course of the First War. It was during the Second War that Karovan truly shined, however. Not only did he prove himself to be one of the better commanding officers during the Second War, he also showcased a willingness to combine magic with standard military forces to secure victory. In this battle, a unit of mages struck the Deyalan forces when they were fully engaged with Deep One troops. While the Deyalan mages were able to successfully counterattack, the losses taken forced a withdrawal. This strategy had been attempted in the first war but ended in a rather crushing loss for the Deep Ones as the commander there ordered the mages in much to early. This loss amplified the Deep Ones' contempt for magic as a weapon of war. As such, Karovan had been the only war leader to support the Witch Queen's plans to unleash the Sky-Storms upon the Deyalan forces to drive them from Atalu near the end of the Second War. He pushed for this as the Deep Ones were being beaten at multiple fronts. In the end, he was able to sway support and the Sky-Storms were unleashed.    As part of this, Karovan made several agreements both with other Deep One leaders and the Witch Queen regarding magic practice, teaching/usage and expectations of war bounty dispersal, among other subjects. Up to the late Third War, Karovan was a fairly staunch supporter of the Witch Queen and her goals, as he felt she was holding to her bargains and she had the best interest for the Deep Ones in mind. This started to change after the Massacre of Tomola. By the Royal Court's declaration, the settlement of Tomola had been slaughtered by the Deyalan army for no strategic reason. However, Karovan interrogated several Deyalan prisoners taken after the massacre. Said prisoners, all part of the force which supposedly destroyed Tomola, ardently denied such a thing occurred. In fact, most of the prisoners stated that Tomola had been gutted before the Deyalans arrived there. The prisoners pointed out the presence of a strange symbol, later identified as the mark of the Queensguard, on several bodies which had died to wounds they had taken. Wounds that could not have been due to the Deyalans. Karovan reached out to a few associates he had in the Queensguard to see if they refuted these statements. In response, his contacts sent him a damning order sheet. This order stated plainly that the Guards were to destroy Tomola to frame the Deyalans and eliminate several supposed agitators as well.   While devastating, Karovan couldn't come out with the truth of the massacre as that would cripple the war effort. Rather, he chose to reach out and see if the Witch Queen was holding to other obligations she had promised in the past. While some contacts confirmed she had, others made it very clear the Witch Queen had reneged on her obligations to them. Quietly seething, Karovan started to gather supporters and allies among those the Witch Queen has betrayed while building more political allies in the post-War Deep One population and government. Furthermore, Karovan seeks knowledge to take control of the Sky-Storms. The Witch Queen had promised that the storms were a temporary measure but with each passing day, that promise grows more hollow. Especially since the storms do not discriminate between Deyalan and Deep One settlements anymore.   Karovan has even begun making contacts with the Deyalans, as he fears the Witch Queen is not so truthful regarded the Deyalans' intentions nor her own.
Pronunciation Guide:
Karovan: ka-ro-van
Deyalan: de-ya-lan
Atalu: a-ta-lu
Tomola: toe-moe-la


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