Lagasi Engine

The coal powered Lagasi engine is the Deyalan equivalent to the Ascalonian locomotive engine. Lagasi themselves are derived from the Fallen Lagasi, a massive scout engine sent by Ascalon to try and establish new Transit Relay connections beyond the known constellation. The term Lagasi is the name of a mythological sky-beast common across Deyalo. The Fallen Lagasi (called HML Ikaron by its Ascalonian crew) lost its crew in transit and was found adrift by sky-fishers in the Koroli Shoals of Deyalo Domain.
  While reverse engineering of the engine took time, such efforts were ultimately successful and Deyalo-designed locomotives slowly became more and more prevalent across the Domain. The proliferation of Lagasi had multiple positive and negative effects. On the positive, it massively expanded the trade network and sped up travel. Travel in the old methods, by tamed sky-beast or balloon-ship, was rather slow by Ascalonian standards and typically measured multiple months. Travel by even the earliest Lagasi across known trade routes typically cut the travel time in half. As such, goods moved faster and markets exploded in time. However, this gutted the old trade system. Tamed sky-beast and balloon-ship travel became essentially only for the poor or those who didn't care about how long the journey took.   The development of the Lagasi also kicked off the Deyalan Industrial Revolution for all intents and purposes. Prior to the Lagasi, Deyalan technology was not very advanced in regard to metallurgy as there was no real need for such things. The clearly advanced Fallen Lagasi wreck showed the many powers and leaders of Deyalo that new knowledge and metalworking techniques were needed to truly replicate the magnificent beast. As such, mining exploded in scale and ferocity. And with such an expansion, more than a few early mining guilds fully exploited their workers. Such efforts did fade in time, but the Deyalan Industrial Revolution was no easy or bloodless course of events.
Pronunciation Guide:
Lagasi: la-ga-see
Deyalan: de-ya-lan
Ascalonian: as-ka-lon-ee-an
Ascalon: as-ka-lon
Ikaron: ih-ka-ron
Koroli: ko-ro-lee
Deyalo: de-ya-lo


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