
Nakoli is the central port of Deyalo Domain and the closest the region has to a capital. It originally was quite a bit smaller than other ports in Deyalo, such as Tuma and Ta-Korol. But that has changed with the influx of refugees from Tukamba and Jombira over the course of the latter Deep One Wars and Interbellum periods. Nakoli port has surged to become the largest settlement in Deyalo as the single largest population groups from both Tukamba and Jombira have settled and integrated into the port. Of course, such a large influx of new people strained the city's resources and new districts were created to house the new residents. For most of the Second War period, these districts were home to shoddily built camps meant to help accommodate the large refugee influx.
  As more people flowed in during the Second Interbellum period, a concerted effort was made by the city and nascent League governing bodies to encourage the incoming refugees to move either further away into nearby Domains or settle elsewhere in Deyalo. Conditions would only really improve in the latter half of the Third Deep One War and the third post-war (Postbellum) period, as a sizable number of Free Tukambans and Jombirans would emigrate back to their home Domains. But the majority stayed, fearful of yet another war breaking out. Various aid groups, companies and so forth had already begun renovating the refugee districts during the Third War but this effort surged after the victorious end to the Third War.
  Many Nakoli guilds and companies hired on refugees during the later war periods to fill out job rosters for lower skilled workers and the like. While abusive practices certainly occurred, the swiftly established support groups (called the Tukamba and Jombira circles) as well as word of mouth networks acted as a counterweight to abuse of the refugees. These groups could easily sway the refugee workers from dealing with the abusive parties and essentially blacklist said companies among the refugee populace, particularly in Nakoli.
Pronunciation Guide:
Nakoli: na-koe-lee
Deyalo: de-ya-lo
Ta-Korol: ta-koe-roll
Tuma: tuu-ma
Tukamba: tuu-kam-ba
Jombira: jom-bee-ra (rhymes with judge)


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