Order to Purge the Dissenters

This order was written and sent to select members of the Queensguard, the most ardently loyal Deep Ones to the Witch Queen during the Third Deep One War. This order revolved around the Guard destroying the settlement of Tomola and killing its population. This had two major goals. Firstly, the massacre could be easily used as a piece of propaganda to incite greater fury for the Deep Ones by blaming it on the Deyalan military. Secondly, the massacre would eliminate several civilian and ex-military individuals who were leading the movement criticizing and questioning the Witch Queen up to that point. The Guards assigned this job were all willing to carry it out, even if they were not supportive of the action.   While the order was carried out and had the intended effect initially, it proved to be a mistake. Karovan, a prominent war leader, interrogated Deyalan prisoners who resoundingly denied the Deyalans carried out the massacre. They even provided evidence of Queensguard regalia as proof that the Deyalans had found the town already destroyed upon arrival. Karovan eventually acquired a copy of the order from sympathetic Queensguard who were not fully supportive of the order. This document helped to shatter Karovan's trust in the Witch Queen. Karovan post Third War has been secretly gathering allies to either overthrow the Witch Queen or establish a new Deep One realm free of the Witch Queen's influence. He has even been reaching out to the Deyalans covertly with the intent of some form of cooperation, the first such attempts by any Deep One towards outsiders. The Witch Queen isn't aware of Karovan acquiring one of the orders as she is under the presumption that her loyal Queensguard have destroyed or sufficiently locked up all such copies. Likewise, the apparent success of her plan has the Witch Queen believing that no changes to her plans have occurred.
Pronunciation Guide:
Karovan: ka-ro-van
Deyalan: de-ya-lan
Tomola: toe-moe-la


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