
Sky-storms are a deadly phenomena that have ravaged all parts of the Deyalan Constellation since Second Deep One War. The storms themselves were set up initially as a simple meteorological weapon during the war against the Unity League forces as they pushed into the Deep One's home domain of Atalu (which lay on the other side of Jombira Domain). However, as the war subsided, the storms remained. Later investigations determined that the sites where the storms had been summoned had absorbed so much magical energy that storms were able to form without direct intervention. They had become autonomous. Worse, the storms ranged farther and farther out from Atalu and Jombira until they had been sighted in all parts of the known constellation. All efforts up to the modern day to undo the ritual sites have failed to stop more storms from forming.   An example storm forming will be used to showcase its effects. Typically, a storm will generate around an area of dense magical energy as a growing vortex. The vortex will grow and grow before moving from its formation site, following any local leylines or channels of magic if they exist. If none exist in the area, the storm will move at random. There are two parts to the storm: the traditional storm (high wind, rain, lightning, etc.) and the arcane side of it. While the natural part of the storm is predictable, the arcane side is not. Arcane effects can vary from simple magically empowered lightning, to hails of salt & blood rain, to literal monster being generated mid storm and tossed around and so much more. One storm which struck Temba port coated everything the storm touched with a fine, almost salt like substance that turned about to be crystallized margarine. One recorded storm, the second to strike central Deyalo Domain, unleashed a literal storm of fish against the ports and settlements there. Some times the storms leavings can be beneficial, such as the generation of crystal while most of the time, raw destruction is what is left behind.
Pronunciation Guide:
Deyalan: de-ya-lan
Atalu: a-ta-lu
Jombira: jom-bi-ra (start rhymes with judge)
Temba: tem-ba
Deyalo: de-ya-lo


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