The Free Tukambans

The Free Tukambans are the population of Tukamban tribes and clans which successfully fled their home Domain, Tukamba, prior to the end of the Second Deep One War.
  A safe Relay path from Jombira to Tukamba was made in the waning days of the First Deep One War. The Deep Ones had been pushed into a small pocket around their Waygate leading back to Atalu while the rest of Jombira was more or less under Unity League control. The Relay path led to an explosion of trade and new ideas flooding between both Deyalo and the newly opened Tukamba. The Tukambans were quickly brought up to speed on the recent war but the extant leaders did not really see this as a concern. The outbreak of the Second Deep One War changed such views.
  The battles over Jombira raged for years but steadily, the League was pushed closer and closer to their Relay path back to Deyalo. As news of League defeats trickled into Tukamba, various clans and tribes began to leave their homelands. All reports about the Deep Ones showcased a people utterly intolerant towards outsiders and non-Deep Ones. As such, if Tukamba either fell outright or simply was isolated, people feared what would happen to them. Hence, the Tukamban Exodus. The Exodus ended shortly before the end of the Second War, as the Deep Ones more or less conquered Jombira and the League reluctantly ceded the Domain to preserve its strength.   The Free Tukambans scattered across the Domains of the Unity League. Those tribes most fearful of the Deep Ones fled to far Domains, such as Luchaka. But the single largest group settled in Deyalo proper. The Free Tukambans would strongly advocate for a third war to try and liberate both their home Domain and Jombira from Deep One rule. The Deyalan navy would see a large influx of Free Tukambans in the Second Interbellum period.
Pronunciation Guide:
Tukamba: tuu-kam-ba
Tukamban: tuu-kam-ban
Jombira: jom-bi-ra (rhymes with judge)
Atalu: a-ta-lu
Deyalo: de-ya-lo
Luchaka: lu-cha-ka (ch rhymes with change)


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