"Earth" Geographic Location in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil


Overview: "Earth" is quite a strange place. It is a simple, small, insignificant planet in a nearly empty crystal sphere. The most notable feature of "Earth" is that unlike almost everywhere else in the multiverse, magic simply doesn't work here. None of it. Not a single spell or spell-like ability. Some planar scholars think that something must have robbed all the magic from this unfortunate sphere long ago. But what did this? Noone seems to know. The people of "Earth" have all but forgotten magic and have instead turned to complicated inventive clockwork-type machines to do even the smallest thing that magic could easily do in any other part of the 'verse. This is the plane where you need a machine to fly. You need a machine to remind you where you need to be. You need a machine to talk over distances. And you need a machine to cook your food -- to COOK YOUR FOOD!?!? This is a scary place even for an "Earthling"!

But it looks so magical....


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