Abeir Geographic Location in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil


Overview:  Abeir is, in many ways, similar to Toril.  It has the same basic physics and operations.  However, Abeir does not feel the influence of the gods.  Instead Abeir is the land that is ruled by dragons.  Abeir and Toril used to be a single crystal sphere anmed Abeir-Toril, but when a terrible war between gods and dragons broke out, AΩ decided that the gods and the dragons each needed their own world to strongly influence.  Thus he wrote the Tablets of Separation which sundered the sphere in two.  The dragons went to Abeir and made the first Dragonborn races while the gods kept their influence on Toril and continued to shape many of the other humanoid races.   During the Spell Plague, the two crystal spheres of Toril and Abeir began to attract each other in an attempt to recombine.  During this time Dragonborn first appeared in Toril as the planar distance narrowed between the spheres and physical locations started exchanging from Abeir to Toril and vice versa.
A proud Abeiran Dragonborn


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