Clerk's Ward Basic Information Geographic Location in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Clerk's Ward Basic Information

A Meticulous Accounting of all that Transpires within the Ward's Volumes - and all that is left out of its Records.

"The Clerk's Ward, the embodiment of Sigil's bureaucracy and a beacon of cultural harmony, nestles between the Market and Guildhall Wards and the Hive Ward. It couldn't be more different from its neighbors. Where the Hive Ward's chaotic, the Clerk's Ward's orderly. Where the Market Ward's competitive, the Clerk's Ward's cooperative. Where the Hive Ward's filthy, the Clerk's Ward's pristine — for the most part.

"The streets're diligently patrolled, dutifully maintained. Conflict's discouraged. The Fated consider the Hall of Records the hub of the ward; after all, it's their headquarters. It's a financial center and a repository of secrets, and also it's where work proceeds on The Secret History of Sigil, the definitive story of the Fated. The Civic Festhall, the headquarters of the Society of Sensation, is a huge draw thanks to the Sensates' popularity and devotion to the arts. The Hall of Speakers, the headquarters of the Sign of One, embodies the Signers' devotion to the exchange of ideas.

"In many circles, it's still fashionable to disparage the public servants of the Clerk's Ward. True, they encourage conformity, but they're not narrow-minded. True, they insist on individual responsibility, but they don't lack compassion. And true, they concern themselves with facts and figures, but they aren't insensitive to folks' needs.

"Simply put, without the hard work of these dedicated professionals, Sigil'd fall to anarchy. Who'd protect property owners' rights? Who'd ensure that the voices of all qualified speakers would be heard? Who'd collect the taxes to build monuments to our heroes?"

- Konnor the Arrogant, a member of the Escorts
It's all about the numbers.  So ordered.


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