Harold Harold-- AKA "Square" Character in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Harold Harold-- AKA "Square"

Harold Harold is a broad shouldered dwarven dusk-skinned dwarven shopkeeper in the Marketplace that separates the Lady's Ward from the Clerk's Ward of Sigil. He sells common supplies such as rope, rations, backpacks, candles, incense, charcoal, and other supplies that a typical household in Sigil would need. He also sells a few mundane, average condition weapons and ammunition. Square has a pet black pudding named "Boi" who goes and gets supplies for Square around the marketplace if his customers request something of him that he does not stock. The local merchants know Boi and are used to its visits to their shops. Square always pays his local contacts promptly after the customers leave his shop, but he takes an agreed upon finders fee off the top.   Square's shop is signed by a simple wooden sign with a square wood-burned into it and is simply called The Square Market. It is one of the more respected shops on the Clerk side of the Marketplace.
Boi is the Black Pudding pet of Harold Harold.


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