Lady of Pain in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Lady of Pain

The Lady, Her Serenity, the most high-up of all of Sigil's bloods, is a mystery wrapped in an enigma. She never speaks, yet her will is plain to the dabus without a sound. What is the meaning of Our Lady's dread silence? No one knows. Her servitors, the dabus, don't utter a sound either, but their images speak for them. The strange symbiosis between the dabus and the Lady has been commented on by more than one graybeard, but few are willing to go the next step and suggest that perhaps the Lady is one of the dabus, perhaps their queen, or even their (whisper it) goddess. There's no evidence for it, yet it seems plausible.

The Lady of Pain has been the ruler of Sigil as long as living and written memory tells us. Tales of only a few events of her long life have survived the passing of years, and those events are all tied to the city that cages her. The full details of the secret history and intrigues of the Lady are best left unexplored; her compassion for her chroniclers has never been very profound. Her destruction of her enemies has always been swift and merciless.

The Lady is often seen floating above the city.  When a cutter sees her, best he run.  For even looking at the lady is a thing that any planar knows can fill you with the blades that protrude from her own face.  With one look she can bleed a berk dry.  And with just a blink, they say, she can throw a Clueless into a realm of mazes from which there is none that escape.  Yea, be it true that if you see her, you pretend you didn't, you run as far away as possible, and you never speak on it!
Encyclopedia cover
Her Serenity, The Lady of Pain.


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