Market Ward Basic Information Geographic Location in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Market Ward Basic Information

In the City of Doors, great Profits are won and Fortunes lost on the scales of Commerce. Herein are the Halls of the Guildmasters and the secrets of their cunning Labours revealed!

The Guildhall and Market Wards mean business: nonstop, round-theclock trade conducted by the multiverse's premiere merchants, craftsmen, and jink jugglers. Sandwiched between The Lady's Ward and the Clerk's Ward, this is Sigil's most cosmopolitan area — if it walks, crawls, or flies, and has jink to spend, it's welcome here.

The Market's where a basher finds the basics: food, medicine, clothing, tools, transport, weapons. Here are players for a dice game or recruits for an excursion to Mount Celestia. And for a body in search of exotic merchandise - wood for a magic wand, polish for an Arcadian emerald, healing syrup for a tiefling with an upset tummy - well, if it ain't here, it ain't anywhere, period.

The area is also home to the Great Bazaar, the Free League's headquarters, a plaza where a body can shop for a month and not visit the same merchant's stall twice. Noted for its open-air cafes, the Great Bazaar's a perfect place to creature-watch.

Another important site's the Great Gymnasium, headquarters of the Transcendent Order, the bloods who train body and mind to work as one so they don't have to be bothered with a lot of ponderous thinking. Looking for a food shop or bathhouse? The streets around the Great Gymnasium have Sigil's finest.  The merchants of the Market Ward define freedom as the unrestricted right to get rich. People are instruments of commerce to be exploited at the least possible cost. It's war, pure and simple, and bashers who want to survive better know the rules.

Everyone's welcome in the Market Ward, but watch your jink!  Let the mark beware.


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