Player Jobs in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Player Jobs

Discuss which Record Keeping task each character will do. Each character is expected to do one task of the following:

** Zac ** Quartermaster -- keeps track of shared loot, inventory, and coin.

** Ben ** Contact Manager == keeps a glossary of names, occupations, places, and other details that the party thinks they might need in the future.

** Maureen ** Conditions Keeper -- uses the condition markers during combat and stays alert in combat for any player or the DM that forgets that a condition is on a creature. This one requires your full attention during combat!

** Erik ** Time Keeper -- Keeps track of the time and date in game in Sigil. The DM will say "that took 2 hours" and the time keeper will update the clock and calendar.

** Collin ** Keeper of Doors -- keeps track of every door that you discover throughout the planes and the proper gate key to operate it.
** Alexis ** Experience Keeper -- keeps track of the experience earned. This is the person with the definitive answer to what your current experience points should be at! This person will tell the DM when the characters are to level up, not the reverse!


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