The Bleak Eternity of Gehenna

Overview: “Greed and an insatiable lust for power dominates the minds of those that seek out Gehenna. The plane is referred to as the Bleak Eternity, though this description does not do it justice – four volcanoes of mind-boggling size dominate each of its layers, from the churning lava heart of Chamada to the icy silence of Krangath. The bleakness comes from the perspective Gehenna forces upon all who tread its mountains layers, that greed and the pursuit of power is the only real goal in the multiverse. Of course, it’s no surprise that the yugoloths who play at being mercenary in the Blood War that rages eternally would find Gehenna a fitting home.”
---Malakara the Warden

Alignment Pillars:
Chaos vs. Law: More Neutral Than Lawful
Good vs. Evil: More Evil Than Neutral

Concordances of Knowledge on the Plane:
None known
Bleak indeed!


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